Page 30 of Wandering Closer

It’s rare these days to find someone who truly enjoys what they do for a living. I never felt that way working in finance. It was a good job, and a good company, or so I thought, and I got to use my skills, but that’s it. It wasn’t my passion, it wasn’t even something that interested me. It was just a job that my parents were proud of that paid the bills. Writing is where my true happiness comes from. When a story comes together, when my fingers fly over the keyboard putting my thoughts into words, I know the smile on my face rivals Thoren’s.

When we reach the rapids, he informs the group that we are going to hang out here for thirty minutes before making the trek back. A group of older ladies find a bench to sit on and chat, while a few couples meander near the river to take photos. That leaves Sherry, Michele, Thoren, and I. Michele subtly tugs at my arm to lead us to Thoren when Sherry sidles up to him once again. Her hand lands on his arm where it stays despite his flinch and grimace.

“Mike said he would be reaching out about a business deal this week. I peeked at his documents, there were a lot of zeros attached to his offer,” she practically purrs.

Michele and Thoren bristle as we step up. I notice the gaze they flick toward each other, but before I can ask what that’s about, Thoren removes Sherry’s hand and steps to my side.

“Sorry, I need to talk to Lily about something personal.”

He guides me away from them, as Michele turns an icy glare on Sherry. “We need to talk about how private business negotiations are meant to be exactly that. Private.”

Thoren’s hand finds its way to my lower back as he leads me to a corner of the clearing near the river. He takes a seat on a large rock and pats the spot next to him for me. I want to tell him that his touch heats my blood and makes me feel wanted in a way I haven’t been in my past, but I bite my tongue.

“I really do have something to talk to you about, but I would have lied either way. That woman is an absolute trainwreck and my walking nightmare. Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard and she can’t think about anyone but herself.”

His knees subtly spread bringing his leg to rest against mine, as he takes in the scene before us. I wait for him to keep going while soaking in the heat from his body. He left quickly after he heard me bare my soul on Thursday looking upset. A heavy sigh leaves his chest before he finally breaks the silence.

“First things first, I need to be honest about something. I saw my parents yesterday and talked to my brother. I kept your confidence with my parents, but they asked about you and are demanding you come to dinner soon. I didn’t keep your confidence with my brother though,” he looks at me with an apology written in his eyes.

I feel shame start to wash over me again. Not only is that one more person who I have to look in the eye, but I am humiliated because he is also doing me a huge favor. I want to be mad at Thoren, but I can’t be. It’s not like this will be a secret once I get a lawyer involved.

“I was so mad about it still, and I asked him for a lawyer recommendation. He wanted to know what the issue was and I told him most of it. I shouldn’t have betrayed your trust like that and I’m sorry.” He takes my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

“He did put me in touch with a lawyer who I think would be amazing to you and for your case, and for that, I’m not sorry. I talked to her this morning and she’s perfect. I told her that you are kind and nervous and need a lawyer against a previous employer who was a dick. She’s also going to take you on pro bono, if you would like to go with her.”

“What?” I squeak out.

That was information overload. He already talked to her? And she’s not going to charge me? I have so many thoughts running through my head, I don’t know where to start. He just solved my lawyer problem in one call, and again, acts like it’s an everyday thing. Everything he has done for me has been monumental and he plays it off like it’s nothing. I’m sure my face is conveying everything that I am feeling, but Thoren just knocks his knee against mine.

“I’ll let you think on this, and we can talk when we get back. I have her information for you if you want it, and I really hope you do. She represented someone River knows who said she was understanding, patient, and kind while still being a terrifying badass in court. Just think about it, okay?”

He eases off the rock, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My mind is reeling with everything. I’m not upset that he told his brother, more surprised that between them, they found a lawyer so quickly. On top of that, a female lawyer who sounds exactly like what I was looking for. People tend to talk a lot, without the action to back it up. Thoren takes action without the flair, showing his heart with no ego involved. It might be the most attractive quality about him so far, and that is saying something.

I want to talk to the lawyer and see if we’re a good fit. I make a note to get her information to call her on Monday and maybe schedule a meeting. I have a feeling the fact she would take me pro bono has something to do with River, and I need to find a way to thank him for that. That’s when something Thoren said comes back to me. He talked to his parents about me, and they want to meet me. This friendship is starting to feel like more, but that thought doesn’t scare me nearly as much as I expect it to.

Michele appears out of nowhere, her hand outstretched to help me off the rock. “Come on, we are heading back. I need all the dirty details on what he said to you because you sat here looking lost for fifteen minutes while he moped around.”

I take her hand, clamoring down. We are at the back of the group, but I like the privacy for this conversation. “He found me a female lawyer who is going to take me on for free. And he said his parents invited me to dinner,” I whisper, even though I doubt the old ladies cackling in front of us can hear.

“Good, I figured he would get that taken care of for you. David and Evelyn are the best around, you’ll love them. Does this mean you guys are more than friends now?” she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

“I don’t know what it means, but I can’t deny there is something there. My head might not be ready, but my heart doesn’t seem to have received the same memo.”

The panic I expect to take over at admitting that out loud doesn’t come. Getting over Tyler happened faster than I would have expected. I’m not sure if it was due to the circumstances, that I never truly loved him, or if my heart was always waiting for the other shoe to drop with him. It might have been a mix of all those things. Had I ever really been in love with him? He was my longest relationship by far, and after about a year we started saying ‘I love you’ to each other. I never felt an overwhelming sense of happiness with him though. The butterflies in yourstomach, searing touches, and the sensation of not wanting to be apart were never there.

I clear my throat, asking something that I’m not sure I want the answer to. “Is there a past with Thoren and Sherry? She seemed to know something secret about him, and I can’t get hurt again.”

Michele laughs so loud half the group turns to look at us, including a glowering Sherry from right behind Thoren. “Absolutely not. He wasn’t interested back in the day and he certainly isn’t now. Her dad’s company wants something from Thoren that he’s not willing to give. Sherry works for her dad and just sees Thoren as a meal ticket if it were to go through.”

That’s cryptic. I want to ask how she knows all this, but if her or Thoren wanted me to know, they would tell me. At least now I don’t have to picture Sherry’s perfectly manicured nails scratching down Thoren’s back the way mine want to. We finally crest the woods to the park where everyone disperses into their cars.

“Lily,” Thoren calls out, jogging after us, as we make our way to Michele’s car. “Would you like to go to lunch with me? We can talk more about what I said back there, and River just texted with some possible dates for us to go to a game that we can look over?”

Behind him, Sherry stands at her car with her arms crossed, a death glare pointed in my direction. I glance behind me where Michele is smiling from ear to ear. She unlocks her car, slipping my purse out and into my hands with a nod.

“Go ahead, I have a showing soon anyway. We’ll talk more this week,” she promises.

I turn back to a waiting Thoren as he grabs my purse, slinging it over his shoulder. “Are you in the mood for anything in particular or do I have free reign here?” His hand slips into mineas he leads me to his truck. We walk right past a huffing Sherry, but he pays her no mind.