Page 28 of Wandering Closer

“What’s up?” His voice takes on a serious tone. We like to joke, River more than me, but he can change his tune quickly when necessary.

“Well, first, I want to bring Lily out for a game. I was hoping you could show her around the dugout and locker room or whatever to help her with her book?”

“Done, pick a day and let me know. I’ll get good seats and take you guys to dinner after so she can see what it’s like being in public with me and ask anything she wants. What’s the next one because you sound too upset to be asking about a game.”

“I need a lawyer. And not just any, I need the best. A woman if possible.” I didn’t ask Lily about this yet, but I think she would feel more comfortable being honest in detail with a woman. Someone who will be understanding and not run the risk of another man making her feel small. She didn’t ask us to find her a lawyer, but this is one thing I can easily do to take off her plate.

“What trouble are you in? I don’t have a game tomorrow, I can be on the road in twenty,” his voice is stern and there’s a rustling in the background as he moves around his apartment.

“Not me, I’m fine, you can calm down. It’s for Lily.”

He’s quiet for a moment on the other end before he breathes out, “Explain.”

So I do. I tell him everything that I overheard her say and what happened to my knowledge. How upset she was, how angry I was, and that she agreed to get lawyers involved. I even told him I tried to Google the guy, but I don’t know his last name, and I don’t know which of the two major financial firms in Phoenix he works at.

River remains pretty silent through it all, grunting or hissing out a ‘fuck’ here or there. By the time I finish, he sounds as pissed off as I am about the whole situation.

“Kinsley DeWitt is your girl. I haven’t worked with her, but one of the team docs has. Said she helped her through a defamation and harassment suit in a previous workplace. DeWitt is known for being a shark in the courtroom, but the doc said she was understanding and a girl’s girl.”

“Sounds like you know a lot about that situation,” I needle him, poking for information.

“It’s not like that, she’s a good friend. She’s the one who introduced me to Vanessa. Let me get in touch with DeWitt and have her reach out to you guys. I’ve got the fees covered.”

I roll my eyes even knowing he can’t see. “I don’t need you to do that, I’m taking care of them.”

He grunts in response. Besides Michele, River is the only one who knows I’ve been buying land and property since I turned twenty. First, it started as an idea to have a nice plot of land to retire on, then it turned into wanting to preserve the land and stop some commercial real estate. Now I buy a few properties here and there because it’s a good investment and I can be a fair landlord to those that need it.

“So, now with that part done, I had dinner with mom and dad tonight,” I move the conversation along.

“Fuck. I’m not getting married, I’m not having babies yet, and Vanessa is a very nice lady that I have been official with for about three months. That’s all you get,” he grumbles.

His summary makes me chuckle. Our parents will never change. We stay on the phone for another twenty minutes talking about life, work, and women. Between my conversation with my parents and the call with Riv, I feel a lot better about everything. I just need to let Lily know I might have found her a lawyer and convince her that she’s doing it pro bono. When we end the call, my phone dings with a text.


Thank you.




The flowers. My whole cabin smells heavenly already.

My smile breaks free, and I get the urge to go over and smell it for myself. I haven’t talked to her since yesterday evening besides a text to thank her for the incredible dinner. I just needed to clear my head and have a plan before I see her again.


That sounds nice. Someone must have been thinking of you. You busy tomorrow morning, say around 9:30?


Nope, free as a bird.


I’m leading a group hike, Fremont Falls. Want to come?