Page 20 of Wandering Closer

“Good girl,” his low voice growls. He turns on his heels toward the trail head, completely unaffected. I glance down at Shadow, still sitting next to me, tongue hanging out of her mouth as her tail sweeps over the gravel. Her eyes are firmly planted on a retreating Thoren as a drop of her drool slips off her pink tongue.

Same, girl, same.

The trail head starts wide and easy, a mix of dirt and gravel, with small sporadic inclines. Aside from the trail, the ground is covered in moss, ferns, brush, chittering squirrels, and whistling birds. The trees are thick with a mix of different varieties. The smell of hearty earth and pine, mixed with crisp wind through the branches assaults my senses. My feet stop of their own accord for me to deeply inhale, filling my lungs with the fresh, clean mountain air.

“The Douglas firs are very fragrant today. On the right day, you can pick out the different scents, specifically the Juniper trees and the Douglas fir,” Thoren says over his shoulder to me. My gaze is constantly drawn to him, watching him reach out to touch some of the trees that we pass. Other times, he slows to grab my hand when roots stick out onto the pathway. His shoulders are relaxed, his stride even, and a wide smile graces his face. He truly comes alive out here.

“What other types of trees are in these woods?” I find myself asking, just so I can watch his eyes light with excitement.

“So many, depending where exactly we are. Different varieties of hemlock, spruces, pines, firs, and cedars. They all grow in abundance out here. Just wait until you hike these trails in the fall. The changing colors, paths filled with crunchy leaves, and the crisp air. It’s the most magical time of year.”

It does sound magical, and I can almost picture it. Reds, oranges, and yellows overtaking the field of greens currently around us. Cool air that sends shivers down your spine, the vibrant chatter of forest life overshadowed by crinkles of crisp leaves. I can see myself on this hike at that time, hopefully with these two companions still by my side. Shadow runs ahead of us, taking a path to the left where the trail splits.

“Is she going the right way?”

“Yeah, she knows this hike by heart. First left, then right, then two more lefts and we will be there. With so many paths,this is one of the easier trails to get lost on, but absolutely worth it.”

“I trust you to get me there.”

We walk together in silence, the trail getting steeper with a rougher terrain. Thoren grabs my hand more often, his long legs easily stepping over large rocks and steps where my short ones struggle. At some point, he stops letting go, keeping my hand nestled in his for the rest of the hike. The part that surprises me is that I let him, his calloused fingers strong and warm, wrapped around mine.

My parents weren’t big on physical touch growing up. I don’t have memories of snuggling with them or frequent hugs. It was so rare that I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I was hugged in a year. There were never displays of physical affection with my ex either. In fact, I can’t think of a single time he held my hand. Was something broken in me that I was so desperate for Thoren to keep his hold on me? Even Michele’s hugs that were surprising in the beginning are a source of comfort for me now. I gripped his hand a little tighter, keeping the intimate connection between us.

An hour into the hike, the steady stream of rushing water becomes audible above the sounds around us. It can’t come any sooner, with sweat dripping down my back and my legs fatigued. The thought of a break and dipping my toes in the water spurs me on to finish the last little bit. The trees are getting sparse ahead, opening up to a hidden gem.

“Welcome to our secret spot,” Thoren says, giving my hand a small squeeze before dropping it to take off his backpack. My head is on a swivel taking it all in. Directly ahead is a large rock wall about twenty feet tall with rivulets of water trailing down the protruding rocks before careening into a round swimming hole. The beach is more rock than sand, but there is a grassy section off to the side where Thoren is setting out a blanket.

Shadow is already splashing around in the water, tongue out and tail a blur, looking like the world's happiest dog. It’s truly breathtaking and beyond peaceful. The sound of the water trailing over the rocks isn’t as loud as a typical gushing waterfall, and it immediately sets my soul at ease. Shadow grabs a stick from the edge of the water, dragging it to where Thoren is seated on his blanket.

He takes it from her, tossing it into the water for her to retrieve. “You coming, or are you going to stand there all day?” He chuckles, holding his hand out for me. I leisurely make my way over to take it as he pulls me down beside him. “What do you think?”

“I’m speechless. That hike was hell on my legs, but absolutely worth it for this ending.”

He reaches into his backpack, pulling out a tub with sandwiches and some cut up fruit. “I’m glad you agree. Are you hungry? I have turkey and cheese or ham with cheese.” He holds them both out to me. I take the turkey from him, unwrapping it and taking a bite.

“Holy crap, this is good,” I say in the most unladylike fashion, mouth full of food.

He chuckles, taking a large bite of his own sandwich. “My mom makes this incredible aioli that I added to them.”

I love that he talks about his family so much, and that I can see the love he has for them. The last man I dated actively avoided talking about his family, and I didn’t find myself talking about my parents often. Who wants to bring up parents that are disappointed in you?

“I really need to meet your mom now.” The blush on his cheeks spikes my heart rate, but he doesn’t say anything.

We finish our sandwiches and pick at the fruit while he throws the stick every time Shadow brings it back. He asks about what items I put in my backpack while I proudly tell him that Igot everything on his personal list. He tells me about his other favorite hikes in the area, and how often he is able to go. When the tray of fruit is empty, he puts it away, then leans down to unlace his boots. His nimble fingers work with ease, bringing unbidden images of what else they could do with ease. My weekly date with my vibrator may need to be moved up.

“Wanna get in?” he nods toward the water, pulling his socks off.

I glance toward the crystal blue water, Shadow swimming in the middle of it with the stick in tow. It looks inviting, and I am covered in drying sweat. I nod, undoing my boots as well. By the time I have my boots and socks off, Thoren is standing and pulling his shirt over his head. I try not to watch, but his hands lower to unbutton his pants and I am rooted to the spot. He slips them down his hips, exposing his thick thighs, dark hair trailing down his muscled legs. My gaze slips back up to the bulge in his boxers, my lips parting on a gasp. It’s alargebulge.

He looks up, catching me staring and winks, before heading for the water. His black boxers hug his skin, and I have a hard time swallowing past the lump in my throat. I’m certainly not stripping down to my undies, so I slip my tee off and meander over in my shorts and sports bra.

I don’t have a whole lot going on in either department. I’m petite and toned, but my boobs are small handfuls at best, and my booty is perky but also on the smaller side. The way that Thoren’s eyes are trailing over every inch of my exposed skin makes me feel like Jessica Rabbit, with curves for days and everything a man wants.

As my toes touch the edge of the water, the cooling sensation flows through me. The rocks are slippery underfoot, but manageable, so I continue further in the water, cautious of my steps. I feel Thoren’s stare as I continue until the chilly water laps around my thighs.

He is standing further in, only his pecs and above exposed. His eyes are hooded and dark, still tracking my every movement. They stall on my hard nipples poking through the sports bra before finally reaching my face.

“Are you coming?”