Page 92 of Wandering Closer

“Happy release day, baby. We all wanted to show our support, and tell you how proud of you we are. This book is going to be a huge success and we can’t wait to watch your career continue to grow. You are incredible, Lily, and we want to celebrate you today.”

Her blue eyes shine, her chin quivering with emotion, “Thank you,” she whispers before facing the room. “Thank you all so much for doing this. It means a lot.”

I wrap her in a tight hug, letting my lips meet her ear. “I am so damn proud of you, baby.”

She’s quickly pulled from my arms, with River stepping in like the pushy asshole he is. He makes a big show of smacking a kiss to her cheek before letting the rest of the room congratulate her. We stand side by side, watching everyone fawn over my girl like she deserves. Her smile never fades as she takes in each and every person who showed up for her.

“When are you making her family?”

I glance at my brother, taking in the soft smile he wears as he watches my mom wrap Lily in a tight embrace. “Soon,” I murmur. “Let’s be honest, she’s already family. I’ll just be making it official. You going to be joining that club anytime soon?”

We both take in Vanessa, sitting alone on the couch, scrolling through her phone. “Nah, not soon. I’m going to get some food,” he slaps my shoulder before making his way to the kitchen.

I stay where I am, taking it all in. This is everything I could have ever hoped for. As the sun dips below the horizon, its fiery glow illuminates the falling snow, casting long streaks of light through the windows. The kitchen island filled with food, the mix of laughter and conversation radiating around the home.

I know as the host I should mingle, but I’m rooted to the spot, watching everything unfold. My mom and Amber are huddled in the kitchen, their smiles watery as they focus only on eachother. Michele, the constant life of the party, is moving from one person to the next, taking care of the hosting for me. My dad, River, and Jake are all clearly talking about River’s season. I don’t miss the heated looks Jake has been giving Amber, but I’m not entirely sure they’re friendly. Finally, Lily makes her way back to my side, plate of food in hand.

“I can’t believe you did this for me. Thank you.” She takes it all in with me. “I can’t believe they all showed up for me.”

“Believe it, baby. Andrea was really upset she couldn’t make it. She was happy to make sure I got enough copies of your book though, and the flowers on the table are from her.” I steal a chip from her plate, popping it in my mouth. “We are all so proud of you, but no one more than me. It has been my greatest joy getting to watch you embrace your passions. You have stepped into your own in the last few months. Watching your confidence soar and the way you have overcome your past has made me the happiest man. Getting to be a part of that journey is more than I deserve, but I will try every day to earn it. Happy release day, baby.”

I mean every word of it, seeing her embrace her accomplishments has been so incredible. She is still her humble and reserved self, but every day she steps a little further out of her shell. She’s no longer afraid to state what she wants and to go after it. I can see the pieces of herself that she hid away making their way back to the surface, and I do everything I can to coax more of her out.

Lily has captivated me from day one, but the more I learn about her, the more I see her feisty side and goofy side, the harder I fall. Her beauty is just as striking and only accentuated by everything that isher.Like the way her nose scrunches every time she has to put a bra on, not that I can blame her, I hate those pesky things, too. Or the way her eyes glass over at the end of every romance novel she reads when the couple gets theirhappily ever after. The way her hairstyles match her moods, and how her fingers rub together when she is anxious.

She is getting more comfortable expressing herself not only in the way she speaks, but also in the way she dresses. She didn’t own a single black shirt when she moved here. With no one telling her it isn’t a feminine color, she is able to embrace her own mixed style. I think she looks beautiful in everything, but I’m partial to when she wears one of my shirts… and nothing else.

As the evening carries on, people slowly trickle out with a copy of Lily’s book that she took the time to sign and write nice notes in. The snow hasn’t let up, piling up in the dark evening. River insists on driving my parents home so we say our goodbyes, promising to show tomorrow for brunch at their house. After the front door shuts, it’s just Michele, Amber, Jake, Lily, and I. Shadow is fast asleep on her back in front of the fireplace enjoying the warmth on her belly.

Lily takes a seat on the couch next to me, leaning on my shoulder. Her eyes rove over Amber who is sitting on the floor next to Shadow, an amber liquid in her glass, as she takes small sips. “I’m worried about her,” she says in my ear. “Something happened this morning that she’s trying to hide, but I can tell she’s struggling.”

Amber swirls her glass before taking the rest back in one large sip. Her eyes look desolate, a pain far beyond just being sad written in them. “My mom said Jana was doing okay yesterday.”

“Yeah, it’s not her. I just don’t know what it is, and when I tried asking, she said it was my day and not to worry,” she chews on her bottom lip, looking up at me.

“But you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t worry about others.” I brush my lips across her forehead. “I’ll make sure Jake gets her home safe, okay?”

“My body is happy,” Michele claims from where she’s sprawled on the floor.

“Why is everyone on the floor?” I ask, looking around. At least Jake is in a chair. “I have furniture, you know?”

“Nahhh, the floor is nice. After getting a total rub down today, then filling myself with alcohol, I am happy right where I am,” Michele slurs.

“You ladies want to stay here? I make a mean hangover breakfast.”

Amber’s eyes go wide as she looks at Michele. “I have to open in the morning!”

“I’ll take you home,” Jake’s eyes bore into her. “My truck is used to the snow and I’m sober.”

A light flush takes over Amber’s cheeks as she takes him in before quickly turning away with a muttered “thanks” that is met with Jake’s signature smirk. Lily and I’s gazes meet as she turns further into me to hide her giggle.

Michele pushes herself off the floor, pointing between me and Lily. “I’m a really heavy sleeper, but I need like an hour to fall asleep. Please keep the fucking until after…” she squints down at her phone, “ten thirty. And not a moment before!”

With that, she grabs a water from my fridge and ascends the stairs. “Good night,” she calls before slamming a door shut.

“I think that’s our cue,” Amber says quietly, also moving to a stand, but swaying on her feet. Jake is by her side in an instant, holding her steady.

“Do you have a purse or anything?” he asks gently.