Page 74 of Wandering Closer



After another wild and exhausting week, I’m enjoying a lazy day. It’s 3:30 and I am still happily in bed in my pajamas with no intention of moving. Shadow has been curled up next to me all morning while I read and slept and played tug of war with her.

Sunday evening, we went to Thoren’s parents for dinner where Evelyn mothered me the whole time. She made sure I felt love and support, and of course, asked if she could get an early copy of the new book. On Monday, I got a photo from Kinsley of a very red faced Tyler getting served at the office, which was everything I didn’t know I needed.

Tuesday, I closed the store for Amber because Jana was having an especially bad day. Michele stopped by, and together, we worked on a plan to help Amber through this all. The financial burdens are crushing her on top of the added work and stress from running the boutique solo. Wednesday and Thursday, I holed myself up in the office for over fourteen hours each day, completing my editing and sending it back to Andrea. Knowing that it was submitted and out of my hands from this part on was both terrifying and a huge stress relief.

Hence the mental health day today to relax after the week I’ve had. I should probably shower before Thoren gets home, but I told him dinner would be of the frozen variety tonight. Movies cuddled together while eating junk food sounds like the perfect end to a long week, and he agreed. This week was just as taxing on him, with a hard SAR case on Tuesday. Someone’s child disappeared from their campsite, and it took sixteen hours, the SAR team, local law enforcement, and civilian volunteers to find him. Thankfully, he was okay when they located him.

Shadow jumps up from beside me, giving me her best puppy eyes. “Potty time? I guess I should put my pretty new bathroom to use, huh?”

Her tail thumps against my comforter as I slip from the bed. I follow her down the stairs, letting her out the back door to do her business, before turning on the shower. This thing is downright luxurious now, with dual shower heads and pristine tiles. After letting Shadow back in and giving her a bone, I hop into the warm water.

Showers have always been where I do my best thinking. My book ideas always seem to come to me when I am in the middle of a shower, and life seems less scary behind that curtain. The longer I spend under the spray of the water, the more I feel like I had a great week overall. Were my emotions all over the place? Sure, but it was all good things. Maybe things are finally turning a corner for me.

I can’t help but see the abundance of good in my life lately. My book is done, my house is updated and cozy, I have good friends, a relationship with a man I love, and things are moving in the right direction with the lawsuit. Letting go of the past hurt from my parents and Tyler is getting easier every day.

Stepping out of the shower, I feel a renewed sense of energy. I jog upstairs to get dressed before hopping back down the stairs to whip up some snacks and desserts for movie night. Pullingout my blueberries, blackberries, and huckleberries from Evelyn and David’s garden, I decide on a berry pie. I find an easy recipe on my laptop and start on the dough.

I’m so ingrained in what I’m doing, it takes me a moment to realize Shadow is growling by the front door. I wipe my hands on my apron when someone knocks and Shadow’s growls turn to barks.

“It’s okay, honey,” I nudge past her, opening the front door. I’m not expecting anyone, but no one drives all the way out here without a purpose. Shadow refuses to leave my side, pushing into my leg, snarling in the entryway. I’m so focused on keeping her settled from the odd display of aggression that it startles me when a familiar voice greets me.

“Hi Lily,” Tyler says.

Ice fills my veins as my eyes snap up and I feel the blood drain from my face. He shouldn’t be here.

“You can’t be here, Tyler. I have a restraining order.”

“Oh, come on with that bullshit. What the fuck were you thinking with that? Do you know what it looked like being served with that at work?” he spits out.

Shadow’s hackles are up, her growl low and incessant, but she doesn’t move from my side. I should have known not to open the door with her reaction. I really shouldn’t poke the bear in front of me, but to hell with this arrogant and belittling man. He deserves a taste of his own medicine.

Casually leaning against the door frame, I cross my arms to fake my bravado. “I know exactly what it looked like. My lawyer sent me a photo of the encounter,” I smirk. “Say your piece and leave before I call the police.”

Anger flashes across his face and a sneer settles on his lips. “You little bitch. This is what you left me for? This piece of shit house in some podunk town? You could have been in my position in ten years, making life-changing money, and I wasgoing to make it happen. You were perfectly happy with what we had before you saw Angela on my arm. You wanted to use me to further your career, Lily, and no court is going to see it any other way. You had it all and your behavior got you fired.”

I am stunned by his words, because what the actual hell? He never spoke to me like this, always posing as the proper, well-educated man. The anger in his eyes and absolute vitriol in the way he is speaking are scaring me. His words deserve no justification. I never wanted that. I wanted love, not a step up in life.

Subtly, I try to feel my pockets for my phone when I realize it's still on the kitchen counter. There is no help up here, and it hits that he could do anything and no one would hear me scream. He’s never been violent before, but the hate in his eyes holds threats beyond bitter words.

“Okay, you got it out of your system, now you need to leave,” I try to take a step back to shut the door. His hand slams out to hold it open, my eyes trailing to it and its smooth soft lines. Hands that I used to let touch and take from every part of my body. Hands that haven’t done a single day of hard work in his life. I want to rip everything from those hands, but I need to do it in court, not when he is a real threat to me.

“Move, Tyler,” I try to keep my voice steady.

He shoves harder against the door and reaches for my arm. His hand clamps around me in a vice grip, surely leaving a mark. Shadow’s sharp bark startles him, but he doesn’t let go, gripping tighter instead.

“Drop the goddamn lawsuits, Lily. All of them,” he yells, as his eyes harden. “I should have known better than to fuck a desperate little slut like you. No pussy is worth this shit.” He accentuates his words by shaking me like a ragdoll with his nails digging deeper into me.

My eyes screw shut as my head smacks against the door frame and I let out a sharp cry of pain. I have no escape from this man with my phone too far away. His hand is suddenly ripped from me, tearing my flesh as it goes.

“What the fuck did you just say to her?” Thoren growls out as Tyler screams.

“Your dog just bit me!”

Thoren smiles down at Shadow with pride, as the pup stays crouched and ready to pounce with eyes locked on Tyler, a snarl back on her lips. There’s a small tear in Tyler’s slacks where Shadow must have nipped at his leg in warning. I was so focused on Tyler that I didn’t even hear Thoren drive up. Looking around, I see his truck parked halfway down the driveway, his door still open. He must have seen the scene and rushed out to get to my side. On shaky legs, I make my way closer to them, trying to calm my anxiety now that Thoren is here.