Page 14 of Wandering Closer

Can I still get her today? I’m only writing and cleaning a bit.


Of course. You are always welcome at my home, Lily.


Thank you. Looking forward to dinner tomorrow.


I’ve been looking forward to it since Tuesday.


I might have messed up. On Thursday, Lily brought Shadow back right when I told her I get home, and I was able to see her gorgeous face. Friday, though, Shadow was already back home waiting for me. Did I freak Lily out by sounding too eager? Too desperate? I don’t want to appear desperate, but this woman already has my full attention. I might be out of my depth here, but I know who can help.

Bros & Hoe Group Chat

Thoren :

How do I cook a girl dinner but not be desperate about wanting her?

Jake :

Throw away the flowers, man.

Fuck. Am I that predictable? I glance at the bouquet I picked up this morning sitting on the island and cringe.

River :

Don’t throw them away. Put them on your counter or somewhere that looks like decor for you, not a gift for her.

Okay, I can work with that. I hate to waste perfectly good flowers.

Thoren :

What else? I’m making my cedar plank salmon. Nice button up shirt.

River :

Nope again. Clean tee and jeans. Clean house. No lit candles. Just a nice dinner and conversation.

Jake :

If it wasn’t said it’s a date, don’t make it one. You’re friends hanging out. You wouldn’t do that shit for me.

Thoren :

Okay, thanks. Gotta go.

Jake :

He’s gonna blow it.

River :
