Page 97 of Uncaged Obsessions

“Yeah, okay,” I scoff. “Pretty sure that’s you. Maybe you should think about what a fuck up you are getting paid off to help get our girl hurt.”

“I don’t give a fuck about you or your girl,” he spits.

“Good.” Caine throws another punch to the man’s face and this time I hear the crunch of his nose breaking. It should disgust me, but all it does is make me smile.

“You motherfucker,” Doogie groans, hunched over in pain and somehow still standing.

“Anything else you want to say? Or are you actually going to fight us like you said you would?” I ask because frankly, my own fists are tingling with the urge to feel the crunch of bones underneath them.

“Yeah,” he says weakly, raising his fists again and a loud laugh bursts out of me.

“Okay.” I shrug, and Caine and I let loose on him. It’s not a fair fight, but we didn’t come in here expecting one.

I did think that maybe we could toy with him a bit more. Maybe he would beg for his life some. He continues to hold his ground, and that only makes us go harder, beating his face in. Once he ends up on the ground, unable to fight back anymore, Caine is on him throwing his fist into his face over and over.

I end up having to pull him off once Doogie isn’t moving any longer, and I think he may have actually killed him. The scene is so familiar to me. The rush of panic in the back of my mind tries to take over at the familiar feeling I had when my dad looked like this man on the ground.

“Enough,” I tell Caine who’s breathing heavily as he looks down at the unconscious man.

We’re both quiet, looking at him, wondering if he’s going to move.

“Think he’s dead?” Caine asks.

I shake my head, not sure how to answer. I really take in the scene and how similar it was to the day I ran away from home.The shitty house, busted up floor. The old man beat to shit on it, blood on my knuckles and clothes splattered around.

Though, this time I’m not alone. And this time, I’m less afraid. I know I have a place to go that’s safe. I know I have people who make it safe. And I know the man isn’t dead. Because he groans again, trying to turn onto his side, spitting blood onto the floor.

I kneel down by his head, making sure he can hear me. “We weren’t here. We have an alibi, and if you even think about fucking with us wewillkill you. Get the fuck out of this town before we decide to come back and finish what we started.”

With that, we leave. Though, it may be stupid, I have a feeling he’s going to listen. He has nothing for him here anymore. No job, no friends, and it won’t take much to turn everyone who lives around here on him.

I’m pretty sure half the town already hates him anyway, so it wouldn’t be that hard.

“You know, there could be worse guys to share my girl with,” Caine grunts out and I’m pretty sure he’s joking, which is why it shocks me a bit. The guy doesn’t joke.

“Wow, was that you saying something nice?” I hold my hand against my chest dramatically.

“Don’t get used to it.”

When we get back to Max’s house, both her and Adam are still sleeping peacefully. Caine doesn’t even bother washing off the evidence of where we’ve been, he just sheds his clothes. I think he at least wipes off his knuckles with his shirt before he slides into bed, pulling Max into him.

Though I’m dying to do the same, I jump in the shower to quickly wash off the dried blood. I don’t linger because the only place I want to be right now is between my two favorite people.

That’s when it really hits me, that I’ve felt that way about Adam. This whole relationship has been new for all of us, but Adam and I have another layer. While what we had before was just sexual, when it’s all of us together it feels like more, even between us.

I want him, just as much as I want Max. None of this would be complete without the four of us. Even Caine adds to the relationship in a way I never would have guessed.

When I get into bed, I’m careful not to jostle them, but Adam ends up speaking softly, “Where were you?”

“Don’t worry about it,” I tell him. He doesn’t say anything else, but I’m sure we’ll hear about it in the morning.

Which is fine. There’s nothing they can do about it now. Adam settles back, keeping his arms resting on his stomach like he always does. And even though Caine has pulled Max against him, I can’t help but do the same.

As I’m falling asleep, I swear I feel Adam scoot closer to my back. Eventually, I feel his tentative touch on me, and I relax even more. After we admitted more of our feelings something has shifted between us. We aren’t lovey people, but it still feels good to know that this is what we have. All of us. Together.