“Of course it is, but I don’t want you two walking around with suppressed feelings because you don’t think you can admit them,” she insists.
“Then what if we did?” I say suddenly.
“Did what?” she questions.
“Admit we have feelings.” I try to keep my voice even.
“Do you?” Her eyes widen.
“Yeah, do you?” Drew asks, his own shock written all over his face, but he does a good job hiding any other emotion he may be feeling.
“Would that be the worst thing in the world?” I stand tall, ready to defend and deny if I need to.
“No, I just…Do you?” Drew shakes his head with the question.
“Yeah, do you?” Max goads slightly.
I grind my teeth, regretting saying anything. I struggled enough admitting my feelings for Max, and I haven’t even considered feelings for Drew. So, instead of anything else I turn to what I know is a distraction for all of us. Especially at times like this when I don’t want to talk about emotions or anything resembling them.
Which is always.
“How about you two stop with the questions and do what you’re told. Max, go over there.” I nod toward a chair across the room.
I see defiance shine in her eyes, but before she has a chance to say anything I speak again, “Drew, strip.”
He has his own internal battle about arguing with me, and I silently dare them both to do just that. They can either argue about this. Or they can let it happen on my terms and we all end up happy in the end. Up to them.
Luckily, for all of us they decide to listen. Drew reaches behind his head, pulling his shirt off revealing his toned chest. Max stares at him, and is still unmoving.
“Max, go get the lube.”
This time, she goes, listening like the good little girl she is for me. For all of us. Jumping into action to go get the bottle of lube from my room. When she comes back she hands it to me, and then goes to sit down, squirming slightly when she sees Drew is down to only his boxers.
“We always said this doesn’t mean anything,” I say to Drew.
“Never has.” He nods.
“But what if it did?” I reach behind my neck, pulling my own shirt up over my head.
“What if it did what?” he asks with narrowed eyes.
“Mean something.”
“Does it?”
“You tell me.” I step forward, teasing the waistband of his boxers, but not pulling them down or reaching in yet.
“What would it mean?” he asks weakly.
I raise an eyebrow.
“Is this only for her?” His voice drops quieter, almost like it’s just for us, but I know Max can still hear.
“No. This is for us,” I admit, hoping he understands.
“So, does it mean something then?” Drew reaches down to my pants, popping the button on them.
I swallow roughly, the song and dance we’ve always played around this has been the same for awhile. Though, it has been different for awhile this is the first time it’s being spoken. And I finally do.