I scoff, “You care about the family’s reputation. So what? Dad wants to put this on me then?”
“He wants it to be put on anyone other than his clients.”
“Well, his clients are guilty. He can try, but he’s not a cop, so he doesn’t have the pull to put this on anyone else.”
“He has connections though, Caine. I don’t think you understand.”
“So do I. But I wasn’t involved. Neither was Max, and if you guys want me out of your life I’m out of it. Don’t call just to threaten me or whatever the point of this was.”
“Thepointwas to tell you I don’t want to see you end up in prison. It wasn’t my decision to cut you off, I didn’t want this.”
“Could’ve fooled me, mom. You will do whatever dad says, it’s how you’ve always been. Don’t worry about my life and don’t worry about me. I don’t need you guys anymore.”
She sighs. “Okay. I just thought you should know. Especially since your father reached out to them for representation.”
I clench my phone in my fist. Of course he fucking did. I’m sure he’s had his nose in this case the entire time with whateverconnectionshe has. Good thing Danner has set it up perfectly and we aren’t going to get caught. Though, clearly that doesn’t mean my dad isn’t going to try.
“Of course he fucking did,” I grit out.
“I’ve never liked this fighting thing you do, but didn’t think it would lead to murder,” she whispers the last word.
“It. Didn’t,” I say through clenched teeth.
She sighs again. “If you say so.”
We hang up shortly after with no words of love between us, which isn’t unusual. Like I said I’ve never had that before. No one said they loved me before Max. She’s yet another first. The feeling of it is unique to only her as well.
The positive to the phone call is that I’m ready to practice more than ever, sending my fist flying into the heavy bag furiously as I work out all the tenseness and anger in my body.
Adam comes up to me, and I hardly acknowledge him; he watches me for several seconds before commenting, “Your form is sloppy.”
“Don’t give a fuck,” I grunt.
“You could hurt yourself.”
“Don’t give a single fuck.”
“You will when you lose out on fights.”
I stop, huffing with anger. “You trying to piss me off more? Because right now is not the fucking time for it.”
“What happened?”
I don’t want to say anything. Talking about it is only going to piss me off more, because I don't feel like talking and I just want to get into my training for the day. Then I can go home and fuck my girl again.
Adam doesn’t let up because he’s a persistent fucker. And because of this relationship we’ve found ourselves in with the same girl, I think he feels like he has more of a right to know about my life and talk shit out.
“My mom called,” I say finally, not wanting to get more into it than that.
“What did she want?”
“To butt into my fucking life, just like you’re doing right now,” I snap.
“Fuck off with that shit, Caine. Your life is a part of mine, and Max’s and Drew’s. You have to fucking deal with it. What did she call about?”
“My dad’s firm representing Max’s parents. Same shit we already know. They want to pin Carson’s murder on someone, and they want that to be one of us.”
“Why would she call about that?”