I raise my eyebrow. “You think so?”
He nods again.
“Good thing it’s your turn then. Prove it.”
He shifts again, taking his time as his eyes rake over me. I’m only in a sports bra and a thong. He takes in every inch of my exposed skin. I watch as the snake tattooed on his throat bobs with a rough swallow, the only tell he has that there’s any sort of reaction to me.
I shift my own weight on my feet, trying not to feel uncomfortable by his staring. Though, I know it’s not uncomfortable. I like him staring. I like how they all look at me. I knew he would be the one that struggles the most with telling me how he feels.
I’m aware he may not, and that this could all blow up in my face. Even if I say something first, and with the way he’s looking at me, I just might. It’s like he’s willing the words from my mouth. Like he can force me to say them before he does. His brown eyes lock on mine and I open my mouth, but no words come out.
“Do you want to know how I feel, baby girl?” he asks finally. I snap my mouth shut and nod.
He nods toward the pole behind me. “You going to use that while I do?”
“If that’s what it takes,” I offer easily. It’s not like when Carson would make me dance for him. Right now I want to, if it’ll get him to say things he would never normally say. If it’ll keep him looking at me the way he is right now, I’ll do anything that needs to be done.
“Go on.” He nods toward it again, and I listen.
Holding onto the cool metal, I swing myself around slowly, my movements controlled and unpracticed while I get used to the feeling. There’s no music, but when he starts to speak, I don’t even need music. His voice and the words he’s saying are better than any song I could start playing.
“You’re the perfect woman, baby girl. Perfect for us. Perfect in every way. And you don’t even know it. You not only complete each of us individually, but as a whole. You bring us together.You’re the glue. You’re the only person who could ever get me to say so much at once. You’re the only one who could get me to admit how much I love you.”
My breath catches, for some reason hearing him say those words holds more weight. Knowing his history and the fact that he’s never known love just like me. This man who doesn’t handle some levels of physical intimacy well due to his past is able to let himself be emotionally intimate. With me.
Not only that, really it’s an emotionally intimate moment with us all together because they were able to tell me this in front of each other. This makes me feel like we’re all closer than ever. Another level to this relationship because it proves to us all that this is it. We’re all in it.
Even if it didn’t start that way, considering Caine forced his way into my life. Then, they all did in their own way. It’s all I’ve ever wanted but didn’t know I could have.
“Get over here, baby girl,” Adam demands and I realize I’ve stopped moving around the pole.
Stepping toward him, he stops me with the simple raise of his hand, and I listen, easily like my body is programmed to listen to him even if it’s nonverbal.
“Take something off,” he reminds me, and I’ve been so distracted I forgot that was even something I’m supposed to do.
I pull my sports bra off, tossing it somewhere in the room and I don’t know if I’ll find it again. Then, he drops his hand and I climb onto his lap, the same way I did to the other two, careful not to touch him in a way that will have me ruining the moment.
“Thank you,” I say softly. “Thank you for telling me; I know it’s hard for you. I know all of this is new for all of us. But this is why I love you. Because you trust me, and treat me better than anyone ever has in my life. You see me for who I really am, and have helped me discover who that really is.”
Adam shakes his head, cupping the side of my face. “No, baby. You discovered yourself all by yourself. That was all you, and always will be.”
I crash my mouth onto his to stop the sob that wants to come out, I didn’t realize how desperately I needed these words from all of them. It means more than I can even express. We’re all so imperfect, but together it doesn’t matter. We get to be imperfect together which is what I think makes us even better for each other.
He pulls me back, and I didn’t even scold him for touching me, which I’m sure is pissing off the other two a bit, especially Caine. It doesn’t matter because this is about us coming together. Right now, I want that in a whole other level. Which I’m going to get.
“Turn on some music, baby girl, and finish up your little show for us,” he tells me, and again it doesn’t feel like it did with Carson. I don’t feel forced. My body buzzes with the thought of dancing for them. I want to do this. I want them to watch me.
“Yes, Daddy.” I slide off his lap and see the flare in his eyes at my words because, just like the other two I want them unhinged as soon as I say. Because what I’m going to ask for is going to push all of our limits.
Yet, it only makes me even more excited for what’s about to come.
Iturn on the music, a sensual song with a good beat, which is always my favorite. It’s easy to feel the melody as it plays. The lyrics start and I close my eyes letting it flow through me. I can feel their eyes on me as I move, swinging around the pole. The music grounds me because I feel unpracticed and unsure in a lot of my moves, but I don’t care.