“Or something,” Danner agrees, pulling something up on the tablet. “So, I was able to get into Carson’s computer and phone,it all took some digging though which is why it’s taken me so long. Plus it wasn’t at the top of my list, but keeping all of us out of prison is.”
“Hold on.” Max holds up her hand. “You hacked into his stuff? Who the fuck are you?”
“Shh, sweetie, we’ve been over this.” Danner smiles and I really would like the answer to the same question. I’ve also overheard Cal and Alexander talk about her, but they couldn’t handle her, especially with all this mystery. I’m sure they’ll figure it out eventually. ‘
Danner continues, “First of all, I had to sort through a lot of porn, likea lot.”
“Not surprised.” Max rolls her eyes.
“I was finally able to find a contract and it was between the Bradfords and your parents.” Danner nods toward Max. “It was worded very carefully, but essentially they were selling you to the Bradfords. Your parents finances are not doing well at all.”
“Okay, but Carson didn’t even really want me, so what the fuck did he get out of this deal other than his parents shelling out a bunch of money?”
“Carson got to become the CEO. Essentially a win-win to everyone. Your parents get paid, Carson runs their businesses, and in turn it would be partnered up with the Bradford’s company as well.”
“A win for everyone but me.” Max shakes her head. “So, how did he find me?”
“That was pretty easy to figure out, he’s not great at deleting his communications. He made a connection here and I’ll giveyou one guess as to who that is.” Danner looks at all of us, waiting.
“Doogie,” I say immediately.
“Bingo.” Danner points to me.
“Hold on.” Max holds up a hand, seeming to process what we’re being told. “That doesn’t explain how he knew I was here.”
“It does, though,” Danner disagrees. “All it takes is looking you up to find your family and Carson. He just needed your name, got a hold of Carson and kept an eye on you for him until Carson was ready to come here himself.”
“That mother fucker is dead,” Caine growls, seeming like he’s about to go commit the murder right now.
“We’ll deal with him, but chill for a second,” Danner tells him calmly, though I have to agree with him and Doogie’s days are numbered.
“So, he kept tabs on me or something? All while Carson was just biding his time until he came and kidnapped me?”
“Pretty much. Doogie’s the one that broke into your house too,” Danner adds.
“Oh, we knew that already,” I add.
“You did?” Max swings her narrowed gaze onto me.
I give her a small smile. “Yeah, doesn’t matter now. We’re going to handle him for good this time.”
“I’m not covering up another murder. I know you guys have your revenge you want to take out on him and that’s fine, but one at a time is enough for me,” Danner says, deadpan to all of us.
“At a time?” Max gasps.
“Where do we stand with the investigation?” Adam chimes in, attempting to get everyone back on track like he does.
“They’re looking into Max’s parents. Of course they lawyered up immediately, but I have info being fed to the detectives to help move the investigation in our favor.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“The contract, some of the communication doesn’t look the best. Add in the guards I planted at his house while we went in who can give a story about both of them showing up.” Danner shrugs like it’s simple. “Plus, we all have alibis.”
“We do?” Max asks.
“Yeah, don’t question me so much. I’m starting to think you don’t trust me,” Danner says, acting offended and Max just scoffs. “Look, it’s a simple story, they just have to believe it. Then your parents will get to spend the rest of their days in prison.”
“What’s the story then?”