“You’re on your way to being a professional fighter, aren’t you? Going to get sponsors, move up to the UFC?” He tries to act like we’re buddies just chatting. “Pretty sure spending some time in a jail cell may fuck that up for you, don’t you think?”
Again, I say nothing, keeping my face completely blank.
“We know you were in Texas when Ms. Barclay was set to marry Mr. Bradford. And now somehow she’s back here, and Mr. Bradford is dead.”
I stay silent.
“Seems like convenient timing is all. Don’t you think?”
“Do you know who my father is?” I ask. I hate to pull this card, but I want to get out of here and back to Max as soon as possible. They don’t have any evidence, if they did we would have been arrested and not just questioned. Plus, I know Danner has a plan and whatever it is must be a good one.
“Yes, I’m familiar.”
“Great, then you should know that unless you have evidence of anything you’re accusing us of, we don’t have to stay here. If I need to, I’ll call him and he can get it straightened out.”
I won’t call him. He cut me off and wouldn’t come help me even if I asked, but this fucker doesn’t need to know that.
He narrows his eyes at me, clearly trying to get a read, but I won’t give him anything. He can try, but he won’t notice anything from me.
“Is there anything you want to share with me that may help? I just want to get justice for the victim.”
I want to say the real victim got her justice, but my girl isn’t a victim. My girl is a survivor and she did what the fuck she needed to do, and I’ll support her for it forever.
“I don’t know anything, so I doubt there’s anything I could share that would help,” I tell him seriously. He watches me a little while longer. I don’t move and finally he nods.
“Alright, you can go.”
I’ve never raced out of somewhere faster, determined to get my hands on my girl again.
They separated us as soon as we got here, and I was stuck in an office instead of an interrogation room. I think their plan is to drive me insane in here though, all alone and wanting to leave. I checked the door and they locked it.
Which is probably illegal.
Finally, someone walks in and it’s a woman in a pantsuit, looking very official. I know right away she isn’t with the Seaside police and my hackles rise because that means she’s FBI. Though the smile she sends my way shows that she’s playing good cop with me.
“Hello Maxine, it’s nice to meet you, sorry it had to be like this. I’m Camilla.”
“It’s Max,” I snap probably more harshly than I should.
“Sorry about that, Max.” She sounds sincere and I have to give it to her, she’s a decent actress. “I think by now you’re well aware of what happened to your fiancé, Carson Bradford.”
I bite my tongue to prevent myself from screaming that he’s not my fiancé and how much I hate him because I know that won’t help establish my innocence.
So instead, I nod.
“I’m very sorry about your loss. We’re working to find out what happened and make sure whoever is responsible is caught. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. Do you have any idea who could have done this to him?”
“Not a single idea? No one threatening him or any enemies that may have wanted to hurt him?”
Yeah, you’re looking at her. And if I didn’t, the three men you also have here would’ve done it for me.
“I wasn’t involved much with the people he associated with.” I know I shouldn’t answer, but I can’t help it, putting on my best act as the old Maxine. The innocent, quiet, uninvolved, unassuming Maxine Barclay.