Page 63 of Uncaged Obsessions

“Look, I don’t know anything because they shouldn’t even know I’m here. Unless Carson told them before…” Her voice trails off and we all know what she’s talking about without her needing to say it. “Doesn’t matter, they said I need to come home or they’ll frame you guys for it.”

“This is your home,” Caine insists. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“I know.” She nods. “I know, but I’m also not letting you guys get dragged into this mess more than you already are.”

“No one is getting dragged into anything,” Danner interjects. “We’re all already dragged, technically anyway. But they wouldn’t be able to put it on any of you unless they pay off the cops.”

Max gives her an incredulous look. “You don’t think they would be willing to do that?”

“You’re right,” she agrees. “So we have to get ahead of it, clearly the cops aren’t catching onto what we planted so I’ll have to figure some stuff out.”

“What exactly can you figure out that can frame people formurder?”Max questions.

“If anyone questions any of you, say nothing,” Danner says, ignoring Max’s question.

“You,” she points to Max who has her eyes narrowed at her friend, “do not worry too much about them and their threat. This is all going to work out, got it?”

“I’d just like more reassurance than ‘trust me.’”

“You’ll get it, but right now that’s about all I got.”

“I know it’s hard, baby girl, but I trust her,” I tell her honestly.

“What if you go to jail? What about the gym? Everyone who goes there, I’m not going to ruin your lives because mine is fucked,” Max yells.

I take her face in my hands, forcing her to look up at me. “Nothing is going to happen, I’m not going anywhere. None of us are, got it?”

She swallows roughly, eyes shining as she looks up at me. I see the tears she’s refusing to let fall, but she gives a hesitant nod.

“Like I said,” Danner starts. “If anyone questions you guys, say nothing.”

Max tries to drop her eyes from mine again, but I don’t let her, keeping them locked on mine as I answer for all of us. “We won’t.”

“I’ll check in later.” Danner heads out leaving us all with so many questions, none that can be answered right now.

Max holds my hands that are still on her face, and pulls them off carefully. She sniffs, working to keep the tears at bay. Her voice is hollow when she says, “I’m going to shower.” I let her go because I know that she likes to get cleaned up after work.

Usually we allow her the alone time, but I think we can all see how much this is eating her up, and that’s why Drew and I don’t protest when Caine follows her. At least he’ll make sure she’s safe and isn't alone if she's about to have a giant meltdown.

Once they’re in the other room, Drew leans against the counter with his arms folded across his chest, looking at me.

“What?” I ask, realizing he’s not just looking. He’s doing that thing he does where he’s not quite glaring, but definitely not happy about something.

“It just seems like you’re really passive about all this shit, even though you should be demanding for it to be fixed like you do for everything else all the time.”

“The fuck does that mean?”

“You want to be in charge of everything and everyone all the time. And yet, the one time you should be doing that? Directing everyone around and getting shit done you’re just…not.”

I’m confused and getting more pissed off each second he’s speaking because I’m anything but calm about this. I just want it to be taken care of. I want us all to be left alone. I want Max to not be scared that something’s lurking around every corner.

“You don’t know what’s going on in my head. So don’t you dare try to tell me how I’m being.”

“No, I don’t know a damn thing with you, ever. No one does, Adam, because you don’t say anything,ever.”

“Why do I need to say anything? Words don’t mean shit, actions do, but both yours right now are being pretty damn annoying.” I clench my fist, not sure why he’s picking a fight like this right now.

“How about this? Do you even want to be with Max? With me? What is it you want because you don’t say shit about that either.”