Page 59 of Uncaged Obsessions

I narrow my eyes up at him. “You guys need to stop talking to my boss on my behalf. Wait.” I look back at Adam. “Where are we even going and why?”

“I have another fight in LA and you’re coming with,” Caine explains.

The thought of going to another fight is exciting, so I choose not to argue about this and actually start to get a little excited. Though, I’m aware how I need to shower, and my exhaustion is hitting me along with the pain in my lower back starting to creep up again.

So I shake off all the offers to join me. I just want to have an effective shower and crawl into bed. As the hot water hits my skin, I feel myself get more and more exhausted. My eyelids feel heavy even before I turn the water off, and hardly keep them open as I throw on a T-shirt that I’m pretty sure is Caine’s before I crawl into bed.

The next weekwe get to California the day before Caine’s fight and check into the hotel which is another large suite. I shake my head turning toward Adam. “You don’t need to get such a nice room, you know?”

He shrugs. “I know, but there’s a lot of us, it’s easier.”

I just turn away, taking in the room that he probably paid way too much for and I hope it’s not because he thinks I need stuff like this considering who my family is. I really don’t.

“Caine, we have to get you registered,” Adam announces and Caine grunts in response.

“Want to go with?” Drew asks me.

“Sure.” I shrug. I’m curious about the process; I’ve seen the fights and I’m excited to see more. I’m glad they wanted me to come with, even if it is because they refuse to leave me alone.

We get to the venue and Drew hangs back with me while Adam and Caine do whatever they need to in order to get him registered. I’m looking around and seeing all the fighters, coaches and people with them.

It’s not like the last time I went to a fight with them where I was looking over my shoulder worried about being seen. Right now, my uneasiness feels different. Especially when my eyes catch on someone across the room staring at me. He’s big, probably around the same size as Caine. He has light hair that hangs over his forehead. I can’t tell what color his eyes are from here, but they’re intense as they bore into me.

When his lips spread into a smile, a chill runs down my spine and I feel Drew wrap his arm around my stomach, pulling me back into his chest. I don’t look away from the man across the room, but his smile fades as he sees the way Drew is touching me.

“You’re drawing attention from other fighters, little one. You’re going to give Caine more motivation for his fight tomorrow.”

I smirk, turning my head slightly. “A little jealousy is good for him.”

“The only people you’re allowed to make him jealous with are coach and me.” He nips my chin and I giggle, pushing him away before looking back at the other man who’s still staring at me.

He winks in my direction and when I turn away I notice Caine has been watching the entire interaction and looks ready to kill the man. I don’t know what it says about me, but the thought gets me even more excited to see what’s going to happen tomorrow.

“Let’s get you out of here before you cause an unsanctioned fight,” Drew jokes, guiding me out. I chuckle, but then realize I don’t actually think he’s kidding.



Iwake up with my chest pressed against Max’s back while she’s facing Caine on the other side of her. Adam is sleeping on the other side of me, but he’s on his back with his hands on his chest like he always sleeps. Not touching anyone and no one touching him.

I groan quietly, sliding my hand over Max’s hip and to her stomach to pull her back against me so I can feel more of her.

She lets out a sleepy moan when my already hard dick pokes her and I know I need to do something about it. I think about sinking into her, about fucking her while she sleeps, but then I may end up needing to share. I want to be selfish with her right now. I want a piece of her all to myself.

My hand dips lower between her thighs and she sighs as I graze her center, rubbing her clit lightly to get her wet. She wiggles against me, moaning quietly, and I move her leg carefully, lifting slightly so I can angle my dick at her entrance.

I rub the tip through her wetness, coating myself before I press against her and start pushing in slowly. I bury my faceagainst her shoulder to muffle the groan as the tightest, wettest, hottest cunt sucks me in, welcoming me into her body so perfectly.

She feels so fucking good.

She lets out a little sound of pleasure and I pause, not wanting to wake her up. I just want to feel her. Be surrounded by her. Justbewith her. She settles back again and I continue to push the rest of the way in.

“Fuck,” I groan once I’m fully seated inside her. Completely encased in her pretty little pussy that was clearly dying for me with the way it pulled me in and how she clamps around me keeping me there.

I don’t even want to move. I just want to stay here all night just like this. Banding my arm even tighter around her middle, I bring the rest of our bodies even closer until we’re as close as two people can possibly be.

I settle against her, my eyelids feel heavy and I give in, letting sleep pull me under with my cock buried deep inside her and it’s the best sleep I’ve ever had.