Page 54 of Uncaged Obsessions

Now I realize that I'm going to have to work while I'm this miserable, and I let out a groan. My cramps are always the worst for the first two days and I know I’m about to suffer in silence. I can’t afford to call out since I need the money, badly. I want to just be miserable in bed with a heating pad and some shitty food.

Danner is in the kitchen and I try to hide the way I’m hunching over after I exit the bathroom. Though, I clearly don’t do a very good job because the second she sees me the smile she had on her face drops.

“What’s wrong?”

I wave her off, taking a seat, and wincing slightly as the change in position sends a sharp cramp through my belly.

“Are you good?” she asks.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” I wince again when another sharp pain shoots through me and she clearly notices. “I started my period, that’s all.”

“Oh shit. Do you need anything?”

“I already stole a tampon, but I think I’m going to head home and curl up with a heating pad until I have to go to work tonight.”

“Let me know if you need me to bring you anything,” she offers while I’m struggling to stand up again as the pain migrates more into my lower back.

“I think I’ll be okay,” I tell her, trying to convince myself more than her.

I try not to think about it too much as I drive back to the house I haven’t stepped foot in since I’ve been back. I don’t want to text the guys and interrupt whatever they have going on today. They’ve put their lives on hold enough for me.

When I pull up to my house, I see Caine’s bike outside and realize I almost forgot that he’s staying here now. It’s weird when I walk in seeing him shirtless and cooking breakfast in mykitchen, only wearing sweatpants that hang low on his hips. His large sculpted body is on full display and right now, he doesn’t look like the giant intimidating fighter I’ve come to know.

Right now he just looks like a normal guy. A really hot, normal guy.

He notices me enter and gives me a smirk. “Hey killer, welcome home.”

I break our eye contact because this all feels so domestic and weird to have him here like this. When I turn, I notice that my entire place is cleaned up. There isn’t broken furniture everywhere, and it doesn’t even look like anything ever happened here. It all just looksnormal.

When I look back at Caine, he’s just leaning against the counter with his arms folded as he stares at me. I open my mouth to say something, but I’m unable to make the words come out. My jaw snaps shut and I shake my head instead.

“I’m going to lay down.” I keep my eyes down as I walk to my bedroom, and even in here, it’s clean other than the bed that was clearly slept in.

I don’t have the energy to question it when I should have expected it anyway. Once I’m laying down, I’m annoyed with myself because I didn’t grab the damn heating pad. In fact, I don’t even know where it is.

It’s fine, I don’t need it. Turning over, I shut my eyes to try and go to sleep. I’m almost there when the ache in my lower stomach shoots through me and I have to bite back a groan at the pain my body is putting me through.

I feel the bed dip behind me and I don’t question it, but when I feel the heat of the warm body behind me I subtly scoot toward it, wanting more. Especially when he places his hand on my lower stomach. I melt into his touch, and it may not be a heating pad, but it’s close enough.

The warmth surrounding me is almost enough to have me falling asleep, until I feel his hand start to move lower and he dips into my waistband. My eyes shoot open as I snatch his wrist, stopping him.

“What’re you doing?” I squeeze his wrist tightly to make sure he doesn’t continue.

“Touching my girl because she decided to keep her pussy away from me all night,” he practically growls.

“Yeah, well said pussy is out of commission so remove your hand before I break it.”

He doesn’t move his hand, and thrusts his hips against my ass, and I can already feel how hard he is behind me. “You know what threatening does to me, killer.”

“Then you might want to take care of it yourself because I’m in too much pain to deal with you.”

Clearly, that was the wrong thing to say because immediately he’s rolling me onto my back, and hovering over my body. “Why are you in pain?”

“Take one guess.”

He looks genuinely confused and I want to laugh, until he asks, “Did someone hurt you?” I realize he really doesn’t understand what’s going on. This psychotic man of mine isn’tfamiliar with a woman on her period, and it makes me want to laugh even harder.

“No, no one hurt me but myself. I’m on my period, Caine.” I roll my eyes.