I’m not quiet when I enter my house, not giving a fuck if I wake him up, wherever he decided to sleep. But of course, he’salready awake and in one of his suits, sitting at the dining table with his laptop open in front of him.
But that’s not all. My brother’s here too, and I’m immediately defensive having to deal with both of them.
“What the fuck is going on?” I snap.
“I told you we need to talk and it wasn’t going to be over the phone,” my dad states.
“So you both decide to just show up here and what? Ask if I murdered that guy?” I come right out with it because that’s what this is about and I want to get back to Max.
“Well, did you?” my brother, Bradley, asks with a little too much glee in his tone.
I raise my eyebrow at him, but don’t answer.
“Goddammit, Caine, I can only get you out of so much shit. Murder, especially of someone like Carson Bradford, isnotsomething I can easily work with.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your help then.”
“They want someone in prison for this, and if you didn’t do it, do you know who did?” my brother asks.
Again, I just look at him.
“What about your girl?” he goads.
“What about her?” I react, and I see the side of his lip quirk up, enjoying that he finally said something that got a rise out of me.
“She was engaged to him before,” my dad states. I don’t acknowledge him and remain quiet once again, clenching my fists and stopping myself from punching my brother in the face or throwing him through a wall. We’re similar height, but he doesn’t work out like I do and he sure as shit doesn’t fight.
“It looks suspicious that he is dead right before they were supposed to get married…again,” my dad stares at me, and I give nothing away as I look back at him. “Caine, if you know anything that can help us get ahead of this, you need to tell us now.”
“Then stay out of it. Unless the cops are sniffing around and think something is up, then there’s no point in giving them anything,” I say, coldly.
“They’ve questioned her parents and they’re claiming Carson was killed and their daughter was kidnapped,” my brother explains. I smirk at that being the story those slimy fuckers are spinning.
Yeah, I would’ve kidnapped her and held her somewhere secure so I could make her my personal fuck toy for the rest of our lives, but I like her fight. I like her enjoyment and I like that she wants to be shared which is something I would’ve never expected.
“Well, she’s not kidnapped and she would explain that to anyone who asks.” I shrug.
“Yet, there’s still a dead man.”
“Why the fuck are you here?” I ask again. “It seems like you want for me to have been involved. Maybe then you could have a clean break if I did, right? I go to prison and then I’m not your problem anymore. So fuck off and let me deal with it on my own.”
“You sure that’s what you want?” My dad closes his laptop, folding his hands on top of it.
“I want to live my life without you constantly on me about everything.”
“If that’s what you want, then the money stops. No trust fund. No house. Nothing. I’ll cut you off and let you figure it out all on your own.”
Though I knew it was only a matter of time, it’s a little sooner than I was hoping for. Yet the only thing I can think to say is, "Fine."
When we all woke up Caine was gone and none of us knew where he went. I’m a little surprised that he was willing to leave Max, which makes me believe it was something bad. I don’t know what exactly it could be, but the fact that he willingly left her alone, especially with us, is a cause for concern.
Max looked around, and seemed confused as well, but didn’t say anything about it.
“I want to train today,” she states firmly after a sip of her coffee.