Page 41 of Uncaged Obsessions

Max was pissed we showed up to her work, but I don’t give a fuck. If she thought I was going to leave her to close this place without us, she’s insane. Especially with Officer Doogie still sniffing around.

I don’t trust anyone anymore. I hardly did before, and even now Drew and Adam are only somewhat trustworthy to me. If it came down to it, I would throw them in front of traffic to save Max. I would throw myself in front of traffic to save her too.

“You guys have to leave, we’re closing,” Max tells us with her hands on her hips and daggers in her eyes. She’s got that look that makes me hard for her already.

Even though I’m practically always hard for her anyway.

“Yeah, you guys leave,” I say without looking at the other two.

“All of you.”

I stand up, crowding her, but she doesn’t back down and it makes my chest tighten with that same strange feeling again. The one I’m unfamiliar with, but when it comes to her I don’t shyaway from it. I want to show her how I’m feeling at all times. Too bad I don’t know how to do that with words.

“We’ll be waiting right outside because we’re not leaving you alone and you know it.”

She looks around me at the other two. “I want to increase my training so that you guys will eventually be able to trust that I can take care of myself.”

“You got it, baby girl.” Adam chuckles.

Drew sidles up to her, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. He tilts her head up to press his lips against her mouth roughly. I clench my fist fighting the urge to push them apart and the only reason I don’t is because I know she wants this.

She wants us to share. She wants all of us, even if it fucking kills me because I want to keep her all to myself.

“We’ll be outside waiting for you,” Drew says after breaking their mouths apart.

He and Adam walk to the front door, and I grab her for a rough kiss of my own. When she gasps against my mouth, I take advantage of it. Shoving my tongue in, she makes a little squeak that makes me grip her even harder and pull her into me so she can feel the hardness in my pants against her stomach.

She pushes against my chest and I let her break us apart. Only because the sooner she gets out of here the sooner I can have her underneath me for the night.

While we’re standing by our motorcycles waiting for Max to finish up, my phone goes off in my pocket, and I pull it out tosee a text from my dad that has me scowling. When I open it, it’s even worse.

Dad: Where are you? I’m at the house I pay for.

He’s here? Fuck.

Caine: Leave.

Dad: We need to talk first.

Caine: It’s the middle of the night, we aren’t talking now.

Dad: First thing in the morning.

“Fuck,” I groan, shoving my phone in my pocket. I wanted Max to come to my house tonight, but that’s not going to happen with my dad there. Because of course he probably jumped on a flight to Portland at the end of his work day and drove all the way here just to catch me off guard.

“What?” Adam asks and I just shake my head.

“Something to deal with tomorrow.”

The longer I stand here waiting for Max to be done for the night, the more I fume about the texts from my dad. I can’t wait for her to be done and come home. I need her now.

“Head back, guys, I got her,” I tell them. I’m met with annoyed and skeptical stares. “You don’t trust me?”

Still, they stare at me, and I scowl. Adam finally nods. “Fine, we’ll wait for you to bring her to my house.”

I nod, Drew still hesitates slightly, but finally he relents. “I get to take her home next time.”

I don’t say anything, and just let him think I agree to that. When they leave, I look back toward The Tavern thinking about getting in, and fucking her over the bar. Or I could try to catch her around the side when she takes the garbage out back. Looking between the buildings there’s a tiny alleyway that’s barely big enough for one person to walk through at a time that leads to the back where the dumpster is.