Page 22 of Uncaged Obsessions

I know she’s talking about the wedding planner. I never had a problem with her in particular, she was always nice to me, but she was doing what my mom wanted for everything. Which I get, since the money is coming from somewhere and it’s not me.

“I’m sure I can get the caterers on board again, and our guest list will be smaller since most everyone was present for your little disappearing act and no one was pleased,” she continues.

The rest of the dinner is mostly my mother and Carson discussing wedding details with my dad attempting to talk to Carson about stuff I don’t understand involving the business.

While they all talk about things I don’t care about, I continue to plot my next escape. This one will be my final one. I’ll make sure of it.



It’s been a week and all three of us are getting restless. Especially Caine, and I’m about to be right there with him. We’ve started sparring daily so we can both get our aggression out. Adam and I are still working and teaching classes, but every day that passes, it feels worse and worse knowing we’re still here without any answers and not feeling like we are any closer to getting Max back.

Caine and I are gearing up for another fight after the last class leaves for the day. I’m wrapping my hands while he warms himself up. We don’t say too much, but in a way this is bonding for us. Neither of us are talkative guys, but doing this feels like a mutual agreement we’re using to cope.

Adam hasn’t been on my ass about my injury, which has been nice. I think he realizes just how badly I need the outlet. Caine may be unhinged as fuck, but he wouldn’t pull any dirty moves to reinjure me.

Even remembering the day I got hurt a few months ago sends a wave of pain directly to my knee. I know it’s not something I’m likely to ever forget, but moving on and fighting again is helpingget me through this new pain of missing Max. The helpless feeling that washes over me when I think of her is something I’ve never experienced before. Not even the day of my injury.

“Keep your head on for this one, I don’t trust him,” Adam says before the fight. I’m in the zone, working on my pre-fight rituals, warming up and only half listening.

“Yup,” I say to placate him.

“Remember his weak spots. Use them to your advantage. It should be an easy win for you.”

I nod, again to placate him.

I’m called up, and get into the cage while Adam gives me a couple last minute pointers. It’s all things he’s told me before and I’m just ready to get this started.

My opponent looks ready to kill, and that look doesn’t go away even once the signal goes off to start the fight. We circle each other and he tries to swipe at me, but misses. I take the opportunity to try and go at him, getting a solid choke, but he’s able to break out of it with an illegal hit.

I grunt out in pain, waiting for a call that doesn’t come. I’m not going to let it throw me off. We continue the round, and into another. That’s when everything seems to go south.

I get behind him, getting another choke, but this time I know how he will plan to break out of it and I’m ready.

It’s the next move that I don’t anticipate. Before I’m able to take him to the ground, his leg rears back and he drives his foot right into my knee, kicking it in. I let go, dropping down in pain with a loud roar.

I can’t hear what’s going on with the ringing in my ears, but I’m not hit anymore. My knee hurts more than anything I’ve ever experienced.

There’s chaos and commotion all around me. I can’t focus on anything other than the pain radiating through my leg.

My vision is filled with white spots; I vaguely realize I’m being taken somewhere. I hear Adam’s voice, but can’t hear exactly what he’s saying. Eventually everything goes dark and when I wake up in the hospital I know before anyone tells me anything that my life is fucked.

“After you two are done fucking around in there, we need to talk,” Adam announces before walking back to his office.

Caine and I look at each other, both clearly wondering what that’s about.

“If it’s something about Max then I want to know now,” Caine says, and I nod in agreement.

We end up meeting with Adam in his office instead of sparring. And Adam looks at us, confused.

“I didn’t mean right now,” he tells us.

“Well, what do you want to talk about?” I question.

“Danner’s coming by later. She has more info.”

“Why isn’t she here now?” Caine demands.