Page 20 of Uncaged Obsessions

“Not sure who you’re talking about.” Doogie shakes his head. “I got a call about a disturbance here, I’m checking it out.”

“You came to me about a break in, right? We know you know who it was. At this house. But the thing is, no one reported a break in. So how did you know about it?” I ask him, directly.

“Someone must have reported it. Just like someone reported the disturbance here tonight.”

“You know a Carson Bradford?” I try another tactic, and I see the flash of recognition on his face before he tries to hide it with a shake of his head.

“Another gym member?” He smirks.

“Listen, you fucking bastard—” Caine lunges toward him again, and I continue to hold him back.

“Just tell us what you know. Did he pay you? We’ll find out. Someone broke into her house. They took her, and we know you’re involved. So, you might as well tell us what you know, or I won’t hold him back anymore,” I refer to Caine, whose chest is heaving with heavy breaths.

“You threatening me?” he sneers.

“You take bribes and are an accomplice in a kidnapping. I don’t think a little threat is your biggest concern right now,” I say dropping my voice low.

“You don’t have proof of any of it, and if you let your attack dog loose, I’ll have you three arrested.”

“Then fucking arrest me.” Caine sends a fist flying into his face moving faster than I’m able to stop him, and he doesn’t let up. I end up pulling him off while the blood pours from the older man’s face.

He fumbles with his handcuffs, his hands shaking and blood pouring from his nose. “You’re under arrest.” His voice is shaky.

“You’d have to be able to get those on me,” Caine taunts.

“We’ll find out how you’re involved. And you’re going to lose your job,” Drew threatens.

We end up leaving him coughing and gasping, I’m sure he’s going to come after us again, but it doesn’t matter because we’re going to get our girl back and it’ll all be worth it.



Ispend my days working on my strength, building it, and maintaining it. I want to be ready for the day that I’m getting out of here and I know it’s not going to happen without a fight. Though, things haven’t been as bad as they were before. Carson leaves me alone most of the time until he comes to my room and forces me to dance for him. Every day.

He continues to make shitty comments about my appearance. I force my body to dance under his repulsive stare, and then I’m free to go back to my room. He doesn’t try to touch me, but I know it’s just a matter of time. Especially because he continues to read the texts I receive from the guys. He can tell how much they miss me; I hide how much I miss them, but I’m sure he knows. Which is why he makes sure to tell me how he will erase them from my memory when he puts his hands on me again. That he’ll make sure he’s the only man I need.

I want to get a hold of my phone. I need to, so I can tell them where I am and that I want them to come get me. I don’t want some grand rescue, but it would be a whole hell of a lot easier if they were here to help me.

Though, at the end of the day, this is my battle to fight and my demon to conquer. It’s that thought motivating me to drop down onto the floor and do another set of push ups. All while the vile things Carson has said about my body play on a loop in my mind, encouraging me to work harder, but not for him. For myself.

“You have too much muscle, it’s not attractive.”

“You used to be pretty. Small and delicate but now your arms look almost as big as mine.”

“Did you take steroids or some shit? You look awful.”

I’ve never felt more powerful, stronger, or more like myself. And it’s all from my training at Uncaged and the men there—my men—that made it possible. Dancing made me strong and I always had some muscle but the lack of proper nutrition kept me small and “delicate” like Carson said.

Apparently, today my parents are coming over for dinner and to discuss the wedding. Which is another reason I’m working myself out to the point of exhaustion. I’d love nothing more than to be passed out cold when they get here and avoid the entire unnecessary conversation.

All I know is Carson wants the wedding to happen soon, but I know that it’s not going to happen at all. I won’t let it.

I don’t pay attention to the time because I’ve been so in the zone, and when there’s a knock at the bedroom door I scowl at it even though I know he can’t see me.

“You better be almost ready in there,” Carson threatens.

I roll my eyes, but then I realize something. I’ve been resistant since he brought me back, and for good reason. Whatwould happen if I pretended to be agreeable. Make him and my parents think I’m going to go along with the wedding happily. It worked before.