“Ithought we talked about going off half cocked.” I shake my head at the two other men sitting across the island from me while we eat breakfast.
“And I told you, I’m never half cocked,” Caine retorts.
“Yeah, I think you kind of did exactly that,” Max says, cupping her mug of coffee close to her chest.
“Did you guys at least wear masks or anything?” I ask them, and the look on their faces tells me they didn’t. “I don’t think Danner will help you guys get out of this one.”
“We won’t need her,” Drew insists. I just shake my head again at them.
They were so proud to tell us what happened last night when we all got up this morning. I know Max and I both feel the same way about their little adventure. There’s been a lingering worry ever since Max has been back about what was going to happen and I feel like it was just starting to get better with Max’s parents getting arrested for it.
Now, we’re going to have to worry about if Doogie is going to do anything or if he’ll listen to them and actually leave town like he should.
“If your not-plan ends up working, then I won’t lie. That was pretty sexy of you guys.” Max smirks.
“Don’t encourage them,” I grumble.
“Please encourage us, little one.” Drew yanks her into his side with an arm wrapped around her waist.
“Okay, well, who’s coming to the gym today? Unless you end up arrested, that is.” I give both men a glare.
“Since I’m working, I will,” Drew says, pulling Max tighter against him when she tries to walk away, and giggles at the movement.
“I am. Alexander wants to spar with me,” Caine adds.
“Take it easy on him,” I insist.
Caine mumbles something I can’t quite hear, but I think it’s something about being too bossy.
“Daddy’s on a roll today, what demand do you have for me,” Max sasses.
“I’ll have plenty for you later, baby girl.”
She doesn’t suppress the shiver that runs through her body and Drew nuzzles into her neck, which only makes her squeak a small moan. I know that if we all get started, we won’t end up leaving the house.
“Let’s go, we have limited time before you two are carted off to prison,” I half joke.
“I know you’re new to joking, but that’s not funny,” Max scolds.
“Aw.” I pull her out of Drew’s grip and into me, speaking against her ear. “You can come up with a punishment for me later.”
Her eyes light up when she looks at me, but then they narrow. “That’s another joke.”
“Now you’re catching on. I’ll be the one doling out punishments.” I wink. “I’m heading to the gym. Feel free to join me, any of you.”
I know they will, which is why I have no problem walking out to get on my bike and driving the short distance to Uncaged. All while thinking of exactly what I can do to our girl later.
After classes are donefor the day, Caine and Drew are both working out. I think they may be competing a bit especially because Max walked in here about thirty minutes ago since she got to go home early from work apparently.
She was toying with them, teasing so bad I thought they were going to fuck her while I was still teaching the last class of the day. That is until she followed me into my office, and I watch the way both guys stop what they’re doing to stare at her ass.
Max closes the door behind her when we’re both in my office. “What’re you doing, baby girl?”
She shrugs, her back resting on the now closed door.
“You trying to fuck with them?” I can’t help but ask.
She shrugs again. “Maybe a little. They deserve it for what they decided to do without us.”