Page 82 of Uncaged Obsessions

“How the fuck should I know? They wanted me out of their lives and I want out of theirs.”

He’s quiet, seeming to think and I want to get back to throwing my fist into the bag again. Because just like I knew it would, this conversation has pissed me off.

“Danner said it’ll be fine, and I believe her,” Adam finally says.

“Great, then the conversation doesn’t matter.”

“We still have one thing to deal with, though.” He stops me from throwing my fist into the leather again.

“Yeah, I know, I have a plan for him,” I refer to the certain Officer who sold out our girl and is the reason she was taken from us.

“You need to talk about any plan you may have with us because we’re not dealing with another murder investigation.”

“Sure.” I want him to let it go for now and let me get my anger out before it ends up being taken out on him.

“Seriously, Caine, no going off half cocked and doing whatever the fuck you want.”

I don’t know why they always accuse me of going off half cocked; I’m smart, despite what they think. I may act impulsively, but I’m not stupid. “I know.” I tighten the wraps on my hands a bit too tight.

“Later at home we’re talking about this. All of us.”

“Sure, can I fucking train now?”

He nods, stepping back and I immediately send my fist into the bag knowing today is going to be a training day that ends with me dripping in sweat, and tired enough that my anger doesn’t completely consume me.

“Adam,” I bark out between hits. “You and me in the cage soon.”

He doesn’t say anything, but I’ve wanted to fight him, and I meanreallyfight him for awhile. I know that could be just the thing I need.



Ifeel bad for how little I’ve been home. I know Athena doesn’t know the difference, and she only eats every four to six weeks depending on the size of her last meal. It’s not like she needs constant affection like a cat or a dog, which has also been a big positive to having a snake for me.

Of course, we’ve all been spending most of our time at Max’s house because that’s where Caine decided to move. Drew and I refuse to be left out. Though, she wouldn’t do that to us.

She loves us.

The feeling is still so new to me, I’m sure it’s new to her as well. Our upbringings couldn’t have been more different, though at the same time we both struggle with the same thing. I remember when I was younger I would see families and thought that they all were the same. If you had normal parents, a normal home, siblings, whatever, that you were happy.

I figured you had love, affection, and stability. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized that wasn’t the case at all and just because you have a family doesn’t mean it’s a good one. Justbecause you have parents it doesn’t mean you have love or affection.

Good thing none of us need our blood related family. They all are pieces of shit and we are happier and better off without them. That folder in my desk drawer still haunts me from when I had Danner look into my birth parents. I’ve been curious, I don’t know anything about them, and I wonder if it would make me feel anything to get some answers.

I’m sitting at my desk, staring at the drawer after finishing up at the gym for the day. My plan was to get out of here as soon as I completed everything, then go check on Athena before going to Max’s for the night.

Though, I’ve been here staring at the closed drawer for way too long. Maybe I should just look, get it out of the way so the lingering question is no longer there. Or I should throw it away without looking, it won’t make a difference for my past or my future at this point.

Pushing away from the desk, I decide to deal with it another time and staring at it is only going to continue to drive me insane. I lock up the gym, and head to my house to check on Athena.

Just as I suspected, she isn’t upset with me, and slithers up my arm immediately after I reach in. She moves up to my shoulders, sliding down the other side so she can continue to explore. “I wonder when Max would be okay with you coming to stay as well,” I tell her.

I go to my room to get more clothes to bring over to Max’s. I’m not in any rush since I know she’s there with Caine and Drew who were more than happy to get out of the gym quickly. As I’mzipping up my bag there’s a knock at my door and I’m instantly on edge because the only people I would want it to be wouldn’t be here right now.

Athena is slithering on the floor, and I scoop her up to wrap around my shoulders because no one wants to come near someone holding a snake. Even Max didn’t, but I made sure to change her mind about the first girl in my life.

The sight that greets me when I open the door has me tensing. It’s a good thing I have Athena on me right now, because I’m not about to try and fight a man with her restricting my movements. Though, it may actually give him a fair shot if I did.