Even if I don’t like what she’s telling me.
“Thank you for helping,” Adam tells her, and I recognize the dismissal. So does she, which I think she’s thankful for anyway.
“Like I said before, she’s my friend, and I want her back too. Plus, everything I’ve been able to find about this Carson guy isn’t good. The last thing I want is her to be stuck with him any longer than she already has.”
Yet another thing I don’t like her telling me, but I hold back my explosion.
After she leaves, we’re all quiet, clearly unsure of what to say. Unsure of what to do without Max here. We aren’t best friends, but we aren’t enemies. We just are. I know we need to work together on this, and that once we get her back she doesn’t want to choose. But we first have to get her back.
“Well, at least we have some answers,” Drew breaks the silence.
“Not enough.” I shake my head.
“You need a distraction? How about we figure out why the cops knew about the break in at her house when none of us told anyone,” Adam says.
“I don’t think that’s going to distract me as much as you think it will,” I tell him, deadpan.
“I think this Carson guy has someone here that’s helping him,” Drew announces suddenly.
Adam and I both look at him, both clearly wondering where the fuck that came from.
“It all just seemed too easy for him, right? Maybe he’s the one that broke into her place, reported back and then Carson strolled into town and just waited until she was alone again to take advantage,” he continues.
“And how would the cops know? You think they’re working with him or some shit?” I scoff.
Adam’s brow furrows. “Wait, you may be onto something with that.”
“The fuckwad working with the cops?” I wonder.
“Yeah, it’s Officer Doogie. We all know that he’s a sketchy fucker at best. What if Carson paid him off or something?” Adam reasons.
I think about that, and I have to admit that it does sound plausible. Which only adds another person to my list that I’m going to need to murder.
“I guess we’ll have to talk to him.” I nod. Even though we all know I don’t mean just talking to him. Because if we’re right about this, I think we all might be on board with killing him.
Caine fell asleep on my couch, and I think it’s for the best because I don’t think he’s actually slept since he found out Max is gone. Not that I’ve gotten much, and I doubt Drew has either, but the lack of rest wasn’t helping his already erratic moods.
“What do you think?” Drew asks suddenly.
“About what?”
“This Officer Doogie shit. You think he’ll actually admit to working with Carson if he is?”
“Probably not, but I also don’t think Caine will give him a choice.”
“You’re going to let him beat the fuck out of the guy? That’s…unusual.”
I shrug. “I’m not going to encourage it, but I’m not going to stop him either.”
“You good?”
“No. I’m not.” I shake my head, answering honestly. “I want her back.”
“I do too. I hate not knowing what that asshole is doing to her.”