Not many people know she’s a private investigator, of sorts, and she likes it that way. I had her try and help me once when I was curious about my parents. She said she found information, but I decided I didn’t want to know anymore.
The folder is still buried inside a drawer in my desk and I don’t think I’ll ever look at it, but it’s there if I decide I want to.
I rub my eyes with the palm of my hands, exhausted but unable to sleep. Everything feels like it’s falling apart around me and I just want one fucking thing to go right. I hear the sound of the front door of the gym opening and shoot out of my seat because I clearly forgot to lock the door, and no one should be here this late.
“We’re closed,” I call out to whoever is here.
Standing with his hands on his pudgy waist is none other than Officer Doug—or as some of the people around here call him Doogie—staring at me like I’ve already done something to piss him off.
“How can I help you, Officer?” I fold my arms across my chest.
He looks at me then glances around the gym like it disgusts him. “Heard there’s been some break ins and wanted to check if you knew anything about that?”
“Can’t say that I do.”
“No? Because I’ve heard one of the victims was someone that attends this gym.”
I immediately go on the defensive. None of us told anyone about Max’s house other than Danner. I know for a fact she’s not talking to any law enforcement. And obviously Max isn’t telling anyone since she’s not even here.
“Haven’t heard anything. Is this something we should be worried about?” I say, making sure that my tone stays completely even.
“Maybe keep your eyes out,” he says, looking around the gym again.
“You seeing something around here that concerns you, Officer?”
“No, I just think it’s interesting that whenever there’s some sort of crime that pops up around here, it’s linked back to this place, is all.”
“You got any proof of that?”
He looks me over and stands up taller, like it would actually put him close to my towering height. “You have a good night.”
I watch as he leaves through the door, gets in his car, and drives away before moving to lock the front door. The street is dark once his lights are out of view. The only thing running through my mind is how the fuck he could know about any sort of break in. Back in my office, I pull out my phone to text the group chat with Drew and Caine and Max. It doesn’t matter that she clearly doesn’t have her phone because every message has gone unanswered, none of us message without her.
Adam: Cops just showed up here asking about the break in.
Caine: The fuck?
Drew: How’d they know?
Adam: It was Doogie.
Caine: Fucker.
Drew: Think he knows something?
Adam: Unless either of you told the cops for some reason, then yeah. He might.
I switch over to the text thread I have with just Max to see all my unanswered messages. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel like maybe she’s just ignoring me instead of something else, unable to get out of a situation that may be dangerous for her.
Adam: Where are you?
Adam: Just tell me you’re okay.
Adam: If you ran, you know we’ll always find you.
Adam: Come back to us.
I toss my phone onto my desk, rubbing my eyes once again. I need to go home. The only reason I close up the gym and jump on my bike, tearing out of the parking lot to the house that no longer feels like home, is to see Athena. It’s like even she can tell something is wrong. I want to tell her it’s going to be okay, but part of me is worried that maybe it won’t be. Maybe it’s me being a cynic or maybe it’s me just being a realist.