We’ll see.
I need to get a few things done here, so I’ll chat with you later.
Or maybe they wouldn’t. This conversation was the most serious and personal one they’d had to date, and she wasn’t in a hurry to change that.
After that last interaction at the airport, Skylar hadn’t been sure how it would impact things between them. Neither of them had mentioned it, but the memory of it lingered in her mind and in her heart, leaving her wanting… more. Not more panic attacks. More closeness with Aiden.
Aiden:Sure thing. Have a good rest of the day.
You, too.
Skylar set her phone down again and finished getting her lunch ready. Once it was made, she filled a glass with water, then carried the plate and glass to the table that was set out on thebalcony. It was fiercely hot outside, but she didn’t mind dealing with it for the short time it took her to eat.
She was back in the kitchen cleaning up when her phone chimed again. After drying her hands, she checked the screen, frowning when she saw the message.
Emmett:How’s your day going? Denise mentioned you were back from your latest trip. Could we meet up for coffee?
This wasn’t the first time he’d texted her since she’d returned to Vegas. Skylar wasn’t sure what to make of his attempt to get together with her.
Emmett:I thought it would be nice to catch up.
Things are over between us. You ended our relationship, so I’m not sure what you’re wanting now.
Emmett:I’ve missed you. I think perhaps I was hasty in ending things.
You were right to break up with me. Unfortunately, if you thought I was emotionally unavailable before, I’m even more so now.
Plus, there was no way she could get back together with someone who gave up so easily.
Are you dating someone else already?
Unbidden, Aiden came to mind as he’d been the moment she’d turned back to look at him at the airport.
No. But I have a lot of stuff going on with my family, and I’m just not prepared to be in a relationship. And I’m sorry, but you had your chance. I don’t feel strongly enough about you to want to try again. You were right to end things.
Emmett:Well, I’m sure if we could just meet, you’d remember how good we were together.
He wasn’t wrong that they’d had some good times together, but the thought of being in a relationship with him again twisted her stomach. A big part of their relationship had been physical, and she knew she couldn’t go back to that.
Something had stirred in her spirit that now had her rejecting parts of how she’d previously lived her life.
I’m sorry. But it just won’t work out.
Not wanting to get any further text from him, Skylar quickly went through the process of blocking his number. Next, she went through social media and blocked him on all of those accounts. She didn’t want to have to deal with him again.
It was unfortunate that he was friends with people she worked with, which was how they’d met. But Skylar hoped they could understand why she just wasn’t interested in dating him again.
Tiredness swamped her as she finished up in the kitchen. She didn’t sleep super well when she was away from her own bed, so the tiredness wasn’t a surprise.
She went to her room and dropped down on the bed. After setting her alarm for two hours, she curled up with her pillows and closed her eyes.
As she did, an image of Aiden and Shiloh came to her mind. It was them posed as they’d been in the picture she’d taken of them as they’d bent over coloring books on their last time together.
Now, Aiden was able to still spend time with Shiloh and color with her, but Skylar was relegated to virtual interactions with her. Her heart hurt that each time they said goodbye, there was no hug or kiss. Just a small wave as the screen went dark.
She wanted more. She didn’t want to take Shiloh from Charli or Blake, but she wanted more of those interactions with her. To be close enough to celebrate the special moments in her life—and Skylar refused to believe that there would be anything but lots of special moments to come.