Page 77 of Skylar

Alongside the glass case, which contained many ice cream flavors, there was a long counter with round red cushioned bar stools, while the floor was made of large white and black tiles.Tables were lined up in the remaining empty space with similar red cushions on wrought-iron chairs that had been painted white.

Cole led the way to the counter, then motioned for everyone to gather around before speaking to the employee waiting behind the counter. “This is all going to be on one bill.”

They told the teens to go first, but the boy, who seemed interested in Amelia, hung back. He turned to say something to the woman who had brought him. They held a brief conversation before the woman pulled a wallet from her bag and gave him a card from it.

“This is my treat,” Cole said as the teen made a move to speak to one of the other employees. “You don’t need to pay.”

“There’s no need for you to pay for us,” the woman said, her voice soft but firm. She reached up to push her glasses back up her nose. “You don’t even know us.”

“That’s easily remedied,” Cole said with an engaging grin.

The woman stared at him, her gaze narrowed. Her response to him made Aiden want to laugh. Cole was most likely used to girls falling over themselves to gain his attention. Aiden had seen that happen himself, and he would bet that not one of those girls would have turned Cole down if he’d offered to buy them ice cream.

Cole stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Cole Halverson.”

The woman hesitated a moment before she shook it. “I’m Anie, and this is Benjamin.”

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Annie. I’d love to buy you some ice cream and have you join us.”

Annie still didn’t appear swayed by Cole’s charm, but she finally nodded her head. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.”

By this time, the teens had placed their orders. Cole waved for Annie to go first, then Skylar and Lexi followed. Aiden, Cole, and Wilder were the last ones to place their orders, then Cole took care of the bill.

“Come sit with us,” Cole said once Annie had her ice cream. “That way, you’ll be more willing to accept when I want to pay for something next time.”

“Will there be a next time?” she asked, her brows lifted.

“You never know,” Cole said, one corner of his mouth lifting as he winked at her.

“Good grief,” Skylar muttered from were she stood next to Aiden. “Cole, you’re going to scare her off.”

Cole lifted his hands. “Just making friends.”

Aiden looked over and met Skylar’s gaze. He couldn’t help but grin when she shook her head.

The woman must not have been too freaked out by Cole because she ended up joining them. The teens sat at one table, while the adults clustered around a couple of others nearby.

Aiden ended up sitting next to Skylar, while Cole was seated on Skylar’s other side. Their new friend, Annie, had taken a chair on the opposite side beside Lexi.

“By the way,” Cole began, then motioned to Skylar. “This is my sister, Skylar, and my best friend, Aiden. That guy is my brother, Wilder, and you’re sitting next to his wife, Lexi.”

Annie gave them a small smile. “Nice to meet you all.”

Lexi shifted a little in her seat, then said, “Have I seen you at church?”

Annie nodded. “I recognize you and your husband.”

“Small world,” Cole said.

“Small town, more like,” Wilder added.

“Have you lived around here long?” Cole asked.

“Pretty much my whole life,” she said before taking a bite of her ice cream.

“Really? What class were you in?”