A smile bloomed on Shiloh’s face. “So are you!”
Skylar knew that Aiden and his mom had chosen to share with Willow that Shiloh was sick. As the two girls stood next to each other, Skylar could see that even though Shiloh was a bit taller than Willow, they were about the same size. Willow was a slender little girl, looking like she was a bit on the small size for her age. It just reinforced the toll illness had wreaked on Shiloh’s body.
“I brought something for you,” Willow said, then turned to hold out her hand toward Aiden. He gave her a gift bag, which she then held out to Shiloh. “We got you another coloring book. Uncle Aiden said you liked the other one.”
“I did,” Shiloh agreed. “Coloring is one of my favorite things.”
Watching the two little girls bond over their love for coloring let Skylar know that, regardless of the personal cost, seeking Aiden out had been the right thing to do.
“This is my nana,” Willow said, motioning to Tracy. “And she’s your nana, too.”
Tracy stepped closer to the two little girls, a gentle smile on her face. She didn’t attempt to physically interact with Shiloh as she said. “It’s good to meet you, Shiloh.”
Shiloh smiled at her, then glanced at Charli and Blake. The couple stepped over to greet Tracy themselves.
As they chatted, Aiden approached Skylar. “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” Skylar said as she sat back on her stool. “You?”
“I’m good.” He put his hands on his hips, and she noticed that he was wearing a pair of black slacks along with a short-sleeved button-up shirt in a shade of blue that made his eyes stand out. “Happy to be here for the weekend.”
“I didn’t realize your mom had kept her house here.”
“Yep. And it’s coming in handy.” He glanced down at her leg, then gestured to the boot. “Is that an upgrade or downgrade?”
“Gareth tells me it’s an upgrade, and I’m inclined to agree, since I don’t have to use the crutches anymore.”
“That’s good. You’ve always hated having to use them.”
“Not sure anyone likes using crutches.”
Aiden grinned. “True.”
How was it that Aiden seemed to be perfectly at ease with her, while she was a mess of nerves and emotions? It was only her experience of putting forth calm when dealing with a difficult passenger that allowed her to keep her feelings under wraps.
It was possible that Aiden was doing the same, but she really doubted it. There was just something in his smiles and laughsthat made her feel like they were genuine. Like he truly enjoyed being around her.
Cole came in with their dad and immediately greeted Willow and Tracy, then bumped fists with Aiden.
“Time to eat,” her dad announced. “The burgers and hotdogs are ready to go.”
They made their way outside, then when they were all there, her dad said, “Why don’t we all hold hands as I pray for the meal?”
It wasn’t an unusual request, since they’d always held hands for the prayer before meals. But that day, holding hands meant she was going to have to hold the hand of the man she’d once loved.
It wasn’t the first time recently, since Shiloh had made a similar request when they prayed with her at the hospital. But that didn’t make it any easier.
Looking down, she saw Aiden curl his fingers into a fist, then relax them. He held his open hand toward her, palm up. When she glanced up at him, he lifted his brows, as if daring her to take it.
Well, she wasn’t one to back down from a dare, especially from him, and there was no way she could let him know that inside she was a bit of an emotional mess at the thought of holding his hand once again.
She slipped her hand into his, fighting a swell of emotion when his fingers tightened around hers.
She’d always loved to hold hands with him. In some ways, it was a claiming. He was with her. She was with him. They were together. And her heart had always skipped a beat when he’dhold out his hand to her, waiting with a smile on his face for her to take it.
And every single time, she had.