He rapped lightly on her door, and when she called for him to come in, he opened the door just enough to stick his head in. “We’re home, and Cole is going to stay the night and bunk down on my couch.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” his mom said with a smile. She was seated in an overstuffed rocker-recliner, a tablet in her hands. “It was so nice to see him. And he brought such lovely gifts.”
“What did he bring you?” he asked, opening the door a bit more to lean against the doorjamb.
“A brand new tablet with a pen,” she said, holding up the tablet in her hand. “And a gift card for me to buy apps I might like.”
“Well, that was sweet of him.”
“I thought so,” she agreed. “Though Cole should know he never has to worry that I’ll turn him away if he shows up empty-handed.”
“I’m sure he knows that, Mom. He just likes to buy things for those he cares for.”
“In return, I shall cook him a breakfast that I know he’ll like.”
Aiden grinned as he straightened from the doorjamb. “I’m sure he’ll enjoy every bite.”
He crossed the room to kiss her cheek, then said goodnight before leaving her to her tablet and the quiet of her room. On the way back downstairs, he stopped by the hall closet to grab some bedding and a pillow for Cole to use.
When he walked into his apartment, he found Cole stretched out on the couch. He grinned at Aiden. “Looks like it will do.”
Aiden tossed the bedding on top of him. “I told you it would.”
Wrapping his arms around the pillow and blanket, Cole sat up and swung his feet to the floor. “Appreciate you giving me a place to crash for tonight.”
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you want,” Aiden told him as he dropped into his recliner.
“I might take you up on that,” Cole said. “Do you want to come out to Serenity with me tomorrow?”
“Unfortunately, I have to work for a living.”
Cole chuckled. “Maybe I should hire you.”
“To do what?” Aiden asked. “If you were a pro golfer, I could caddy for you. But not much I can do for a pro basketball player.”
“You could design me a house.”
“Sure. I could do that,” Aiden agreed. “Where are we building said house?”
“Not sure yet.”
“You could probably find some land around here.” Now that Aiden had resigned himself to living in the area for the foreseeable future, he wouldn’t mind if his best friend ended up back in the area, too.
Cole didn’t immediately shoot down his suggestion, but he didn’t jump at it either. He sat forward and reached for his suitcase. “I brought you something that could help with your designing.”
“You didn’t have to bring anything for me, bro,” Aiden said. “Or for my mom or Willow.”
“I know.” Cole unzipped the suitcase and flipped the lid open. “But I like to buy stuff for you guys.”
Cole had always been very generous, but sometimes it made Aiden uncomfortable. He never wanted his friend to think they expected anything from him. They weren’t poor. However, he and his mom were both frugal in their day-to-day lives.
“Here you go.” Cole held out a flat box.
Aiden hesitated, then took it from him, feeling its heft. “Seriously, bro. You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know.” Cole shrugged as he sank back into the couch. “I just wanted to.”
Aiden set the box on the coffee table and opened it, staring in shock at the expensive laptop it revealed.