“But I want us to do that, because I agree with Charli that we need to build a strong foundation. And in order to do that, we need to bulldoze the old foundation that we had. Bulldoze and clear it all away to make room for something new. Something strong because of our love for each other and our faith in God.”
Aiden’s heart swelled with the knowledge that she wanted a relationship with him. “But the pieces will all still be there. We won’t forget.”
“True, but we can use them to remind us how far we’ve come. And of the mess we make when we wander off the path God wants for us.”
“So you’re willing to make that effort?” Aiden was all in, but she needed to be all in, too.
“I am.” Her hand tightened on his arm. “I’ve been scared to risk it again. But now that I’ve changed how I view the past, I’ve realized that there will always be a risk. The only love that doesn’t require a risk is God’s love. So, in loving you again… in loving anyone, really… I’m taking a risk. Even loving Shiloh comes with the risk of heartbreak.”
Aiden nodded. “I’ve already experienced that, having lost two loved ones.”
She rubbed his arm gently. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “Even though I understand there’s a risk, I also want you to know that I will do my best to show that you can trust me. I don’t want to hurt you. I never want to do that again.”
“I don’t want to hurt you either,” Skylar said. “But I’m sure I have with some of what I’ve said to you since we’ve reconnected.”
Aiden couldn’t deny that, but he also felt that he’d deserved it.
“So I’m sorry about that.”
“You don’t have to ap—”
Skylar’s fingers tightened on his arm as she said, “Stop.” He glanced over to see her glaring at him. “You have apologized to me for what you felt you needed to. Now, let me do the same.”
“Okay. You’re right.”
Skylar gave a little chuckle. “I never would have thought I’d be asking someone to let me apologize to them like this.”
Aiden tossed her a grin. “Yeah. It feels a bit crazy.”
“It does.”
"Well, I forgive you," Aiden said, looking at her briefly. "Just as you forgave me when I apologized."
Suddenly he felt something press against his shoulder and realized that Skylar had leaned forward to rest her cheek on his upper arm. “Maybe this would have been a conversation better had out of the car.”
“I want to give you a hug,” Skylar said. “But I can’t.”
“I’ll take an IOU until we get to our next stop.”
Skylar straightened with a laugh. “That works.”
Keeping one hand on the wheel, he took hers with his other, wanting to have physical contact with her. “So where do we go on our first date this time around?”
For the next few hours, they discussed not only their first date but also their future together as a couple. This was a conversation he had been eager to have for some time, and it brought him a sense of relief and hopefulness.
They’d been on the road about three hours when the walkie talkie crackled to life.
“Let’s pull in up here,” Cole said. “Need gas and would like to stretch my legs.”
“Sounds good,” Skylar replied into the walkie talkie. “We’ll follow you off.”
Five minutes later, they were pulling up to the pumps at a truck stop just off the highway. Before he did anything with the gas pump, Aiden got out of the car and circled around the hood to open the door for Skylar.
Once she was on her feet outside the car, Aiden took her into his arms and picked her up, spinning her in a gentle circle before setting her down. “Just had to do that.”