“Hopefully, they’ll get some of the results to Charli and Blake tomorrow.”
“Will you be heading back to Vegas soon?” Cathy asked.
Aiden glanced at Skylar to see if she planned to reveal her plans to her parents. He wasn’t sure why she hadn’t said anything earlier. He’d still be in the dark if he hadn’t heard that part of the conversation she’d had with Charli.
He hadn’t planned to eavesdrop on what they were discussing, but that part of the conversation had been loud enough that he’d heard it without any concentration on his part.
“I’m actually not going back,” she said. “Well, I’ll have to go to pack up my apartment, but I’m not going to live there anymore.”
“Really?” Cathy lifted her hands into the air. “What a wonderful answer to prayer!”
“What can we do to help you make the move?” Dan asked. “If you’re going to stay with us, at least at first, you’ll need to put your furnishings into a storage unit.”
“Yes. I’ll probably stay with you to start, but then, depending on where I get a job, I’ll figure out where to live.”
“Are you applying for jobs here, as well as in Serenity?” Cathy asked.
“Yes. I know that I probably should stick to hospitality jobs, but I’ve been thinking about also applying at some interior design places.”
Aiden smiled at the revelation. Not just that she was serious about getting a job, but that she was looking at jobs in the field that once had been her career choice.
“Are you looking at getting back into interior design?” Cathy asked.
Skylar shrugged. “I thought maybe if I got a job as a receptionist or something similar, I could see if I still have an interest in it. Then maybe I’d look into going back to school. I don’t know. I’ve changed over the years, so it’s possible that I won’t find it as interesting.”
“Well, you know we’ll support you whatever you decide,” Dan said with a smile at Skylar.
“I’m just so glad that you’re moving closer to home.”
“So you’d be okay if I get a place here and not in Serenity?”
“Of course, darling,” Cathy said. “An hour’s drive is so much more manageable than a five or six-hour plane ride.”
“When I wasn’t able to get more time off to come home when Shiloh got sick, I knew that I needed to change my situation. If I move here, I’ll be able to see her and not have to take time off, even when she’s in the hospital.”
“It sounds like you’ve put some thought into all of this,” Dan said.
Skylar nodded. “I want this to work out, so I’m trying to make sure I’m thinking things through.”
“So… is it just wanting to be closer to Shiloh that’s brought you home?”
Aiden froze, then lifted his burger for a bite, curious about what her answer would be. He was watching her, so he saw when she glanced in his direction.
“No. That’s not the only thing,” she said. “But we’ll see about the other stuff.”
Cathy looked at Aiden and gave him a smile and a wink. “Well, we’ll be praying for you. Both of you.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Skylar said, with only a slight edge of sarcasm to her words.
Aiden chuckled, then Cathy and Dan joined in, while Skylar just rolled her eyes.
It was nice to know he’d have the support of Skylar’s family if she decided to give him another chance. He had betrayed their trust in him in the past, but that wouldn’t happen again.
Skylar went through her morning routine before swapping her pajamas for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Though she hadn’t slept very well, she’d still woken up early and decided to just get up.
In the kitchen, she found Aiden cooking something on the stove. He turned as she approached him and greeted her with a warm smile.