“So, is Cole going to come home again?” Skylar asked as Aiden set to work getting the church service ready to stream.
“For sure if Shiloh needs the stem cell transplant,” her dad said.
“I suspect he might show up even if she doesn’t,” Aiden added.
“I hope you’re right,” her mom said. “I can’t tell you how great it was to have all my children close to home for that week he was here.”
As the time neared for the service to start, Skylar’s parents settled onto the loveseat, sitting close together. Skylar chose one end of the couch, and instead of going to the armchair, Aiden sank down on the opposite end.
When the musicians began to play, Skylar noticed that Peyton was once again on the drums. She’d taken to watching the livestream herself over the past few weeks, so she was becoming more familiar with the faces of the people who took part in the service.
After the welcome, the congregation stood for the singing, and when the camera panned out, she was able to spot several members of her family there.
She was surprised when, after just one song, Pastor Kennedy got to his feet and walked to a microphone that stood on the floor in front of the stage.
“I come before you this morning with a heavy heart as we received news through the night that Charli and Blake’s lovelydaughter, Shiloh, has once again been admitted to hospital. We have prayed for her before, and I’m asking you to join me in lifting her before the Lord once again. I’d like for a handful of people to join me here at the front to pray for Charli, Blake, Shiloh and their whole family, then I’ll close.”
There wasn’t even a moment’s hesitation before people began to move to join Pastor Kennedy at the microphone.
“Oh, bless that man,” her mom said, reaching out to take her husband’s hand. “And bless our church family for coming alongside Charli, Blake, and Shiloh.”
As Skylar listened to people pray their hearts out for Shiloh’s healing and wisdom for Charli, Blake, and the doctors, tears leaked from beneath her closed eyelids. She wiped at them, unable to believe how the prayers just kept coming. There was definitely more than a handful of people praying for her family.
Her heart heard those prayers and absorbed them like a thirsty plant drank up water. And with each prayer, her faith and trust in God grew. It was hard to understand God’s purpose in allowing Shiloh to suffer. But amid that suffering, His people were rising up to support them.
The prayers weren’t just for Charli, Blake, and Shiloh either. Jackson, Gareth’s best friend, stood at the mic, and with a voice cracking with emotion, prayed for each member of Charli and Blake’s family by name.
As her sniffles grew more pronounced, Skylar felt a wad of tissues being pressed into her hand. Looking up through tear-filled eyes, she found Aiden had moved closer to her and given her the tissues.
She mopped at her eyes, listening as Pastor Kennedy prayed after so many others had. There was emotion in his voice as well,and she knew part of that was because of his connection to their family.
As his prayer ended, the piano began to play the opening chords forGreat is Thy Faithfulness.
Without opening her eyes, Skylar listened as someone sang the first verse, soon to be joined by the congregation.
Great is thy faithfulness, O God, my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with thee.
Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not;
As thou hast been, thou forever wilt be.
Great is thy faithfulness,
Great is thy faithfulness,
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed thy hand hast provided;
Great is thy faithfulness,
Lord unto me.
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above