Page 75 of Skylar

“Since we’re short a player for the adult team, we’ll randomly choose one of you teens to join them.”

The teens shared nervous but excited glances at Jay’s pronouncement.

They decided on playing to twenty, figuring that there were enough handicaps on the adult team to offset Cole’s skills.

“Are we playing shirts and skins?” Wilder asked, then lifted his arms to flex. “I think my wife would like skins for me.”

“Well, Lexi is in for disappointment, I’m afraid,” Jay said. “We have jerseys.”

Soon they were suited up and ready for the jump ball. Jay was refereeing the game, but Aiden didn’t expect they’d get any special treatment from him.

It was a pretty even game, which Aiden attributed to Cole not playing as aggressively as he might have if he’d been playing with his peers. At one point, he noticed another teen boy come in, followed by a young woman who climbed the bleachers closest to the door and sat down. The boy made his way around the outside of the court and went to the bench where a couple more teens were sitting.

While he waited for one of the teens to complete their free throws as a result of a foul called by Jay against the adult team, Aiden looked to where Skylar sat with Wilder’s wife. He remembered in the past that he’d often sneak looks at Skylar when there were lulls in the game. If she caught him looking, she’d always given him a small wave with her pompoms.

That day, their gazes met, but she didn’t wave or smile. Aiden was glad when the guy took his second free throw, and the game continued, so he had an excuse to look away.

The next time he looked in that direction, he saw that Layla and Amelia had joined the women. He wondered if the older teen was there to support her family or one of the teen boys on the opposite team.

In the end, the adult team won. Before the next game started, there was some discussion about mixing it up. Will decided to sit the next game out, and Wilder went over to the other team. They ended up with two teens on their team because Jay said their handicap would now also include only four players on their team.

Aiden was more tired than he’d thought he’d be, considering he worked out regularly. Cole, on the other hand, showed no signs of tiredness at all.

The teen who’d showed up later than the rest was on their team. He seemed in awe of Cole, and Aiden wasn’t sure how effective he’d be. However, once they started to play, the kid focused in and actually played quite well.

They won again, but no one really seemed to care. After the second game, the teens circled around Cole, and soon, the group was going through some exercises with him.

Aiden took the chance to go sit on the bench in front of Skylar and the other ladies. Wilder also joined them.

“Good job, sweetie,” Lexi said as she leaned forward to accept Wilder’s kiss.

“I tried to play skins for you, but Jay said no.”

“Skins?” Lexi asked. “What’s that?”

“It’s when one team plays without shirts and the other team wears shirts,” Aiden said. “It’s useful in casual play when you don’t have uniforms.”

“You wanted to play without your shirt?” Lexi asked.

“For you, babe. Wouldn’t you have liked to see that?”

Lexi lifted a brow at her husband while Skylar made a gagging sound. Layla and Amelia giggled as Wilder turned a frown on his sister.

“I understand that you might rather see Aiden without his shirt, but I’d thank you not to interrupt me as I’m attempting to flirt with my wife.”

“You’re already married, bro,” Skylar said. “I don’t think you need this level of flirting anymore.”

“Flirting keeps things fun,” Wilder told her. “You should try it sometime.”

Aiden waited for Skylar to respond, but all she did was roll her eyes at her brother.

“Are you girls here to support the family or cheer on a couple of cute boys?” Wilder asked as he turned his attention to his nieces.

“Can’t it be both?” Layla asked.

“Ooooh.” Wilder rubbed his hands together. “Does your dad know about this?”

“You are such a troublemaker, Wilder,” Skylar said. “I don’t know how Lexi puts up with you.”