“So you saw Aiden?” her mom asked.
“Yep. I went by there after I picked up my rental car yesterday, then we went out for dinner. He offered to let me crash on his couch, and I took him up on his offer since it was late.”
“How is he doing?” Her mom set a mug of coffee down in front of Skylar. “And his mom and Willow?”
“They’re doing great,” he said. “His mom made me a huge breakfast this morning before I left.”
“I hope that we can see them again soon.”
“Aiden said they haven’t had a chance to meet Shiloh yet, but they’re looking forward to being able to do that.”
“I think that will happen soon,” her mom said. “I talked to Charli earlier this morning, and she said that Shiloh is doing better every day. The nausea and other side effects from this initial round of treatment are slowly abating.”
“That’s great to hear,” Cole said. “I hope I can see her. I’ve brought a gift for her.”
“You have?” Skylar asked.
“Yep. It’s not every day I find out my best friend and sister have a daughter.”
Skylar frowned at him. “You can’t think of Shiloh like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because she’s Charli and Blake’s daughter. She’s no different from any of your other nieces or nephews. She’s not more special than any of them, just because Aiden is her birth dad.”
Even as she said the words, Skylar knew that they weren’t true in her heart. Shiloh would always be different from her other nieces and nephews. Definitely more special.
“I beg to disagree,” Cole said. “Even aside from who her parents are, Shiloh is going through a lot right now. She is a very special girl and deserves to be treated as such.”
Skylar felt tears sting her eyes, and she looked down at the mug and wrapped her hands tightly around it. Would Cole havefelt that same way back when she’d first found out she was pregnant?
“You’re right, son,” her dad said. “Shiloh is a very special girl. However, Skylar is also right. I know you all haven’t had as much time to adjust to the knowledge of her parentage, but it is best to think of her as Charli and Blake’s daughter, and not Aiden and Skylar’s.”
“How has Shiloh taken the news?” Cole asked.
“That little girl has taken everything in stride,” her mom said with a smile. “She’s known for a while that she was adopted, but only recently found out her birth parents are Aiden and Skylar. I think she was really excited about that because she already knew and liked Skylar.”
“That’s great,” Cole said. “It wouldn’t have been very good if Shiloh hadn’t liked Skylar. Especially since she can be really difficult to like.”
Skylar glared at her brother. “I beg your pardon?”
Cole grinned at her as he sat back on his bar stool, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just kidding. You’re my favorite sister.”
“Well, at the moment, Gareth is my favorite brother, since he’s taking care of my wounded ankle.”
“So what would it take to get back into the top spot?” Cole asked. “A new luxury bag, by any chance?”
Skylar lifted her brows at him. She wasn’t a luxury bag collector, but she would never turn one down. So far, the bags in her small collection had all come from Cole.
Every birthday since he’d started playing professionally, an elegantly wrapped package would end up on her doorstep, and inside would be a lovely luxury purse or small bag. In fact, she had one upstairs that she’d brought with her. And now,it sounded like she was about to gain another one for her collection, for no apparent reason.
Cole pulled his long legs in and got to his feet. He went to the bags sitting beside the entrance to the kitchen and opened one up. After removing several items, he returned to where they sat. “Here you go.”
He handed nearly identical packages to Skylar and her mom, and a smaller cube size one to her dad.
“You didn’t have to bring us anything, son,” her dad said as he took the box. “We’re just so glad to have you here.”
“I know.” Cole gave a shrug. “But I wanted to bring a few things.”