Page 16 of Skylar

Getting to his feet, he said, “I think I’m going to go to the gym.”

“Alright, sweetheart.” She lowered her glasses back into place but peered at him over the top of them. “I’ll probably be going tobed soon, so I won’t be up when you get home. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He went to where she sat and brushed a kiss on her cheek. “Love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Aiden,” she said. “Drive safe.”

“I will.”

Aiden went down to his apartment and packed up a bag for the gym, then headed out. Working out had always been a part of his daily routine, and he’d found it was a good time to mull over life and exhaust himself at the same time.

It was his hope that doing both would allow him to sleep when he crawled into bed later that night.

The next morning, he was at work when his phone let him know that a text had come in. When he glanced at it, he saw that Skylar was as good as her word. No call from her. Just a text.

Skylar:Dad said that they’ve set up testing at the clinic for five o’clock on Friday.

I spoke to Mom last night, and she is willing to be tested. Is Willow too young?

Skylar:Who is Willow? And how old is she?

Aiden realized that he hadn’t told her about Willow during their confrontations—he could hardly call them conversations.

She is Bethany’s daughter. She’s five years old.

Skylar:I’ll ask Mom and Dad about that and let you know.

Thanks. See you on Friday.

Although, it was possible that Skylar wouldn’t be present for the testing. She might choose to wait until he’d come and gonebefore showing up. He was kind of glad his mom and Willow were going to be there with him, since he hoped that would keep Skylar’s brothers from decking him.

A couple of hours later, he got another text from Skylar.

Skylar:Dad said that he wouldn’t recommend Willow be tested since she’s pretty young to give a donation for the transplant.

Okay. We’ll still have to bring her, however.

Skylar:That’s not a problem. There will probably be other kids there too.

Aiden knew he shouldn’t ask, but he couldn’t help himself.Will our daughter be there?

He almost dropped his phone when it rang. Seeing that Skylar was calling made him pause before tapping the screen to answer it.

Before he could say anything, she jumped right in. “First of all, she is notourdaughter. You need to stop thinking of her like that. She’s the daughter of her adoptive parents.”

“So, how do you refer to her?”

“I don’t really refer to her at all,” Skylar said. “But when I do, she’stheirdaughter, not mine.”

“Do you see her much?”

“Usually once or twice a year.”

“Does she know who you are?”


“And you don’t want her to?”