Page 131 of Skylar

“That sounds amazingly philosophical coming from you,” Skylar said.

“I’m not just a jock, you know,” Cole retorted.

“No. You’re a rich jock.”

“Let’s see,” Cole said. “Canceling trip to Vegas.”

Skylar laughed. “Fine. You’re a philosopher and a pro ballplayer.”

“You bet I am.”

Aiden smiled as the siblings interacted in such a familiar way. He had missed this, and he was glad that while other things had changed, the way the three of them could be together apparently hadn’t.

He couldn’t wait for Friday to come. Helping Skylar move back was something he was definitely on board with.


The next day, Skylar headed to Serenity with her parents, hoping that she could spend a little time with Shiloh that evening. Blake had come in to pick up Shiloh and Charli, and they were on their way out to Serenity as well.

She’d brought her suitcases with her, though she’d eventually need them back in Coeur d’Alene. Since she didn’t yet have anapartment there, she would have to stay in Serenity for the time being.

Aiden had apologized for not inviting her to stay at his place, but Skylar hadn’t been upset by that. She understood why he wouldn’t do it, and she respected him for it.

During their last conversation about getting back together, she’d asked for another day. But with her decision to return to Vegas to pack up, it would have to wait. And she was glad for the extra time.

Something was holding Skylar back, and she wasn’t sure what it was. She’d forgiven Aiden. Or at least she was pretty sure she had.

There was no doubt that she loved him. But was that enough?

He had become the man she’d always hoped to spend her life with, and she was confident that this version of Aiden wouldn’t abandon her. That he’d be a rock in her life. Strong and unmovable. That kind of strength was appealing because there was a lot of uncertainty in their future, particularly when it came to Shiloh.

So why wasn’t she jumping at the chance of getting back with him?

Even though she spent the trip to Serenity mulling that over, she still had no answer by the time her dad turned the car into their driveway.

She put her contemplations aside for the time being. There was still time for her to work through it, and maybe she and Aiden could have a talk on the drive back from Vegas.

Once in the house, she took her things up to her room, then returned to the kitchen to help her mom get them some lunch. It didn’t take long, and soon they were seated at the table together.

Skylar felt a sense of calm that she hadn’t the last time she was there. There had been a lot going on then. Uncertainty and worry. Not to mention her injured ankle.

But that was in the past now. Even the concern over Shiloh which had caused her to quit her job had eased—for the time being. And if there was a next time, she wouldn’t have to make a mad dash from Vegas.

She was at peace with her decision to quit her job and return to Coeur d’Alene. It wasn’t that she’d been unhappy in Vegas, but now that her future was headed in a new direction, she was glad to leave it behind.

As they were cleaning up after the meal, Skylar got a call from Charli.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a bit this afternoon to see Shiloh.”

“Oh, I’d really like that.”

“Check if you can borrow Mom’s car,” Charli said. “If not, I’ll come pick you up.”

“Hang on, let me ask.” She lowered the phone and looked at her mom. “Can I use your car to go to Charli’s for a little while this afternoon?”

“Certainly, darling,” her mom said. “Your dad and I are going to the store, so we’ll be using his car.”

When Skylar said she had a ride, Charli told her to come soon since it was likely that Shiloh would take a nap at some point that afternoon.