Page 113 of Skylar

“And it might still be that. We just have to wait for the test results.”

“Will we be able to see her soon?” Skylar asked.

“Charli thought you and Aiden could probably see her tomorrow, but she’ll know for sure in the morning.”

Aiden suddenly felt exhausted. The mental ups and downs and all arounds were wearing on him.

And if it was this bad for him, he could only imagine how bad it must be for Charli and Blake. He also hated to see Skylar so upset. It felt like he could do nothing to help anyone, and that was hard to accept.

The rest of the day passed quietly, with no more discussion about Shiloh’s situation aside from praying for her at dinner.

When Aiden went to bed, he wished that he didn’t have to go to work the next day. But if they needed him to come home during the day, he would. However, until they knew exactly what was going on, he needed to save his days off.

He could only pray that it wouldn’t be necessary to use them.


The house was quiet when Skylar left her room the next morning. It wasn’t a complete surprise since she knew Aiden had planned to go to work, and her parents were going to run back to Serenity to deal with a few things before coming back later that afternoon.

Provided they were given the go ahead to visit Shiloh, the plan was to go once Aiden was off work. Her parents hoped to go to the hospital at some point, too.

Even though she’d woken up later, she still had several hours to fill until someone arrived back at the house. Thankfully, she had lots to do.

Something she was going to have to think about sooner rather than later was a job. She had some savings, but she didn’t think it would last too long, given that she still had to get all her stuff moved from Vegas.

She had yet to tell anyone she’d quit her job, though she wasn’t sure why she was keeping it to herself. Aiden had already expressed that he thought she should stay in the area. And her parents wouldn’t be upset at all that she’d quit, hoping, no doubt, that that meant she’d move back to Serenity. Which, at the moment, appeared to be where she’d end up.

However, she had considered whether staying in Coeur d’Alene might be more beneficial. If Shiloh had lengthy hospital stays, Skylar would prefer to be nearby to visit her frequently. Yet, when Shiloh was not hospitalized, Skylar could still head to Serenity to visit her once or twice a week.

Skylar didn’t necessarily think it was a good idea for her and Aiden to see Shiloh on a daily basis. Though they were her birthparents, Skylar felt like it was best they not be involved in her day-to-day life. Being in Coeur d’Alene would mean she was close enough to see Shiloh regularly, but far enough away that it wouldn’t feel like they were encroaching on Charli and Blake as they parented Shiloh.

And her consideration of setting up her next home in Coeur d’Alene had nothing to do with it being where Aiden also lived. It really didn’t.

She still didn’t know what she was going to do about him asking her out on a date. Was it something he was really serious about? Or was he using it to gauge if she’d truly forgiven him?

Her heart had feelings for Aiden, but her mind wasn't entirely convinced about rekindling their relationship. At least, not just yet.

She’d asked for time, but she didn’t know how much time she should take. Aiden hadn’t pressed her for what she meant bytime, which she appreciated, but she didn’t feel like she could stretch this out for too long. It wouldn’t be fair to him.

Looking through the fridge and the cupboards in the kitchen, Skylar was able to find plenty of food options for breakfast. She ended up choosing to have some granola and yogurt and a cup of coffee.

As she sat at the dining room table, Skylar hesitated a moment before bowing her head and praying. After giving thanks for the food, she also prayed for Shiloh, Charli, and Blake, along with the medical team involved in Shiloh’s care.

While she ate her breakfast, her thoughts drifted to her conversation with Aiden about God healing Shiloh. Everything she’d said to him was a true accounting of the pain and fear she had that although God could heal Shiloh, He wouldn’t. Would she be able to accept that?

It was amazing how Aiden had grown in his faith, despite the deaths of his dad and his sister and what was now going on with Shiloh. He hadn’t let those events keep him from trusting God. She could definitely learn something from him.

After cleaning up her breakfast dishes, Skylar got her laptop out and did some research on job opportunities around the area. She included both Coeur d’Alene and Serenity, since she wasn’t opposed to working and living in either place, though at the moment, she was leaning more toward Coeur d’Alene.

She didn’t know exactly what she was looking for, but she figured that with her experience, a job in the hospitality industry was most likely.

Unfortunately, there weren’t a lot of jobs that interested her. She did make note of the couple of possibilities she’d found, but she didn’t fill out any applications. She didn’t really want to be distracted by interviews or starting a new job until they knew what was going on with Shiloh.

With nothing else to do, she settled down on the couch with her phone to do some reading. She had a couple of books on the go and wanted to finish at least one of them.

Shortly after lunch, her mom called to tell her that Charli had let them know that Shiloh would be okay for visitors later. Skylar was thrilled to hear that, and immediately texted Aiden to let him know.

Aiden:Wonderful news! I’m going to try to get off a little early. Hope to be home shortly after four.