Page 108 of Skylar

“You didn’t say if you wanted another cup,” he said. “But if you don’t, I’ll drink it.”

“Hopping yourself up on caffeine?” she asked.

He grinned. “Something like that. Or perhaps I’m just addicted to it a little bit.”

“I’ll happily take another cup.”

He handed her a mug, their fingers brushing as she took it from him. He then held the tray so she could add cream and sugar to hers.

Since they’d had a late breakfast, no one was in a rush for lunch. Instead, they talked while they drank their coffee, then decided to go for a walk.

Skylar went to change her skirt for a pair of white cuffed shorts, which would be better for a walk. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail, then donned a pair of socks and slid her feet into a pair of runners.

Her ankle was all better, but she still tried to wear good shoes whenever she could now to make sure it stayed that way.

As they left the house, Aiden pointed them in the direction that would take them to a small park that had a path running through it. He and Skylar’s dad took the lead, while Skylar and her mom followed.

“It’s such a gorgeous day,” her mom said as they walked down the sidewalk that was dappled with shadows from the shade trees growing in yards along the way.

There was a bit of breeze, causing the leaves to rustle and dance above them. They were heading into that time of year when early mornings and late evenings would become cooler until fall set in and they’d need sweaters and jackets as the leaves fell from the trees.

“It’s a shame that they’re cooped up in the hospital,” her mom said. “This would be the perfect day to sit outside in the shade. The fresh air would probably do Shiloh some good.”

It seemed no matter what they did, thoughts of Shiloh weren’t far from their minds. That included when they stopped into a small ice cream shop that they came upon, and Skylar wondered what flavor Shiloh would have chosen had she been there with them.

Her dad treated them all to ice cream cones, then they continued their walk through the park. It was a nice way to spend the day, if only their reasons for being in Coeur d’Alene weren’t so worrisome.

At some point, her mom joined her dad in the lead, so Aiden fell back to walk with Skylar. As they walked side by side, Skylar’s fingers itching to curl around his, or to hold onto his elbow.

They hadn’t gone on tons of walks, just for the sake of walking, when they were dating, but whenever they’d walked anywhere together, they’d held hands. Occasionally, they’d even walked with their arms around each other.

Skylar couldn’t believe that she was missing that time. After everything that had happened between them, she shouldn’t be even remotely interested in revisiting any part of it.

But the Aiden she saw now was the one she’d always imagined growing old with. Responsible. Caring. Willing to do for others.

If only he’d never gone away to college. Maybe then, they could have had that future.

But she knew that some kernel of how he felt when he broke up with her must have already been present when they were dating for him to buy into it so fully. It might have happened even if he hadn’t gone away to college.

She’d never know because there was no going back in time. She could only move forward, accepting him as a friend without longing for something more.

If she wasn’t the best for him nine years ago, she still wouldn’t be the best for him now.


Aiden was glad for a chance to get out of the house, and it was even better because he got the chance to spend some time with Skylar.

As they finished up their ice cream, they looped around to head back toward the house.

Though the circumstances that had brought them together that day weren’t great, he felt a measure of peace after watching the morning service livestream and then going on the walk. It was so encouraging to know that there were many people who were praying and offering support to the family through this difficult time with Shiloh.

“I wish we could go see Shiloh,” Skylar said.

“Me too,” Aiden agreed. “But unfortunately, they probably won’t let us visit her until they know for sure that her immune system is doing its job.”

“Do you think that we’re somehow responsible for her cancer?”

Aiden glanced over at her. “What?”