“Did Gareth not feel pressured to become a doctor?”
“Not that I’m aware of. He was helping at the clinic while in high school. None of the rest of us, aside from Janessa, were as interested in the medical side of things. Well, I guess Lee was, but he preferred to work on animals.”
“Is there a sibling that has surprised you with their career choice?”
Zane was quiet for a moment, then said, “Cole. Not so much his career choice, but that he’s actually achieving his dream of playing professionally.”
For the remainder of the trip, they talked about his family. He shared more with her than he had previously. She’d realized that though he wasn’t technically estranged from his family, he’d gotten distant from them. This Zane wasn’t, and it was apparent in how he talked about them.
She had a slight inkling that him distancing himself from his family had something to do with Sarah. It seemed the demise of that relationship had really done a number on him. Especially his faith.
It was possible that his lack of faith had meant he kept distant from his family so they wouldn’t know. She’d seen how important faith was to his family, so if he wasn’t acting like they expected, it would have been a challenge for him to remain close to them.
Now, however, he was back in the mindset of having a strong and committed faith. Kelsey still wasn’t sure about that with regards to herself, but she wasn’t opposed to learning more about the faith that was so important to Zane and his family.
When they reached their storage unit, Kelsey parked in front of the building, then got out to open it. Zane approached her as she stood in the large open doorway.
“Wow. Lots of stuff.”
“Yep. It’s everything from our apartment, except for our clothes. Well, I think our winter clothes are here.”
“We should probably dig those out while we’re here too,” Zane said as he moved into the unit. “Save us making a trip back in a few weeks.”
“I’m not sure where everything is in here.” She stepped past Zane and looked around. “They just unloaded the truck and shoved it in.”
“Hopefully, stuff is labelled.”
“It should be. I’ll check this side, and you can check that one. Your knives and other tools should be in a box labeled from the kitchen.”
“This says Zane bedroom. What does that mean?”
“That has stuff from your nightstand and any non-clothing items from your dresser.”
Kelsey helped lift the box down to where he stood. He pulled a box cutter from his pocket and sliced the tape on it.
While he looked through the box, Kelsey returned to her search for the boxes from the kitchen. She should have thought about him wanting his knives and set them aside when they were packing up the apartment.
“Did I read a lot?” Zane asked as he held up two paperbacks.
“Not a lot,” she said. “But we were working our way through the Dean Koontz book.”
“Working our way?”
“Two or three times a week, we would take turns reading it aloud.”
He angled the Dean Koontz book to look at the top of it where a bookmark was sticking up. “We must have just started it.”
“Yes. We’d only been reading it for a couple of weeks before your accident.”
He returned the books to the box, then folded the flaps over to seal it. “I think I want to take this box with us as well.”
Kelsey went to open the back hatch of her car, then walked to where Zane stood with the box. “I’ll put it in the back of the car.”
They probably had room for four or five boxes if they put some of them on the back seat. She tried to think if there was something else that he might want.
“Were there any boxes that I hadn’t unpacked from the move to Tampa yet?” Zane asked.