“Nope. I’d rather go with you.”
With that plan in place, they made their way out of the sanctuary, following behind Lee, Rori, Jackson, and Carisa. As it turned out, Lee and Rori were ready to leave right away, too. People were coming by the house for a barbecue, so they needed to get home to prepare for that.
As usual, her first instinct was to opt out of it. However, Kelsey knew she couldn’t. So when they got to the house, she immediately jumped in to help Rori and Lee prepare for the meal.
“Are you sticking around this time?” Rori asked as she handed Kelsey a stack of paper plates to put on a large tray.
“Good.” Rori set a plastic bag with napkins in it on the tray. “I think people are warming up to you.”
Lee and Zane had gone out onto the deck to start up the barbecue, so while it was just her and Rori in the kitchen, Kelsey said, “Do you think Zane needs to see Sarah?”
Rori’s eyebrows rose, and she faced Kelsey over the expanse of the island counter. “What do you think that would accomplish?”
“Closure for him?” Kelsey paused. “Maybe?”
“I suppose you could suggest it to him. It could be he’s thought the same thing, but hasn’t been sure how to bring it up.”
“Actually, I think it might be better if Lee suggested it to him.”
“But he may need to hear it from you.”
Kelsey sighed. “I’m not sure I’m capable of encouraging him to contact a woman he’s had a serious relationship with.”
“I understand that,” Rori said. “But I really do think Zane needs to hear this suggestion from you.”
“What do I need to hear from Kelsey?”
Kelsey turned toward the back door, realizing that they’d been so focused on their conversation that they hadn’t heard Zane come in. She’d just assumed that he’d stay outside since, because of his crutches, there wasn’t much he could do inside.
“Perhaps you should have a conversation,” Rori said. “Just the two of you.”
“Now?” Zane asked, his brow furrowed.
“After lunch,” Kelsey said, needing time to prepare herself for this particular conversation.
“Am I going to like this conversation?”
Kelsey shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Zane stared hard at Kelsey, looking like he was going to press her for more information. But before he could say anything else, Janessa and Will arrived with their son.
“Later,” Zane said, then turned to greet his sister.
A mass of nerves took up residence in Kelsey’s stomach, but she tried to ignore it as she pitched in to help get the meal ready.
That day, for the first time, Zane’s siblings all took a few minutes to speak with her. It was encouraging. Maybe they were warming up to her and becoming more accepting of her in Zane’s life.
It might all be for nothing though, if Zane didn’t get his memory back, and he decided he didn’t want to continue their marriage.
Zane shifted in his seat, trying to keep his attention on the conversation Jay and Will were having about the upcoming basketball season at the high school. Though their youngest brother, Cole, hadn’t been in high school for several years, and, in fact, was now playing professionally, Jay continued to coach the high school team.
His son, Peyton, was getting ready to start high school and, from the sound of things, he was going to be trying out for the basketball team. Zane had no idea if he’d still be around to go to any of the games, but he suspected he might be.
He looked toward where Kelsey was sitting, wondering again what she wanted to talk about. Was she going to tell him that she wanted to end their marriage and leave Serenity?