Though he wasn’t completely sure about it, Zane gave a nod.
Zane hadn’t mentioned that he didn’t remember his wife during the previous appointment he’d had with the man, so the doctor was surprised when that fact came up.
“You didn’t know him four years ago,” the doctor clarified.
“No. So he has no memory of me, even from before we got married.”
The doctor’s brow furrowed. “How are the two of you handling that?”
Not well.
Zane didn’t say that, however. He glanced at Kelsey to see her head bent.
“It’s not been easy,” Zane admitted. “We’re just taking it one day at a time.”
“And if you never get your memory back?”
Zane cleared his throat. “We haven’t figured that out quite yet.”
The doctor’s gaze bounced between the two of them. “You were strangers once and fell in love. There’s no reason it can’t happen again if you are open to it.”
There was a big reason, but Zane wasn’t going to bring it up. He hadn’t had a direct conversation with Kelsey about Sarah and his feelings for her. But he was sure she’d figured it out, thanks to conversations about it that had been held in her presence.
The doctor seemed to realize it wasn’t a subject they were comfortable with and moved on to sharing with Kelsey the things she should look out for when she was dealing with Zane. It was similar to what he’d told Zane and his folks at his initial appointment.
“Once we’ve had a chance to review the scan from today, I’ll give you a call to let you know the results.”
After making another follow-up appointment at the front desk, they left the building and went back to the car. It was a quiet ride home, and Zane spent a lot of it with his eyes closed, head propped against the window.
He wished he could sleep, but his thoughts were too caught up in the situation with his feelings for Sarah and his marriage to Kelsey.
Please, God, give me back my memories.
“Come hang with us,” Rori said as Kelsey stepped into the kitchen when she returned from studying in the library. She’d desperately needed a change of scenery. “We’re just eating, watching TV and playing games.”
Kelsey needed the distraction, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to hang out with Zane. She was so discouraged with life, and it made her just want to retreat from everyone and everything.
Sheneededa job, and yet, she hadn’t managed to find one. She’d applied to all the restaurants in town, to no avail. Now she’d moved on to applying at places where she probably didn’t have the necessary experience.
Her savings were rapidly depleting, even though she tried to be careful with how she spent her money. She was just lucky that Rori and Lee weren’t charging her rent. If she’d had to pay for a place to stay, she would have been homeless at this point.
“Wilder and Lexi are bringing some East Indian food for all of us.”
“Who else is coming?” Kelsey asked, though it wouldn’t determine whether she hung out with them or not.
“Wilder and Lexi, Carisa and Jackson, and Janessa and Will.”
“Okay. I’ll join you.”
“That’s great!” Rori said with a broad smile. “We’ll probably eat in about half an hour.”
“I’m just going to run up to my room.”
She climbed the stairs, then headed for her room. They’d spent the earlier part of day doing yard work, and she hadn’tshowered before heading to the library. She took a quick shower and washed her hair, then got dressed in a pair of soft cotton shorts and a T-shirt. If they were going to be lounging around, she wanted to be comfortable.
By the time she got back downstairs, the food had arrived, along with the rest of the people Rori had named. They were busy setting different dishes of food on the counter, and it all smelled delicious.