“Really well. I’ve had a few crazy cravings, but Jackson has been an absolute dream in dealing with them.”
“He’s so excited about becoming a dad.” Rori grinned. “You’re going to have two kids on your hands, I think.”
Carisa laughed. “Jackson’s youthful approach to life is one of the things I love about him. Makes our age difference not be so much of a big deal.”
Kelsey wondered if there was any chance of her and Zane ever having kids. They’d talked about it in passing. Just enough to know it was something they both wanted, but they’d agreed to wait a couple of years before talking seriously about it.
Now, however, kids seemed a far off possibility.
Zane focused most of his attention on Wilder, who was seated to his right, and had barely acknowledged Kelsey beyond a quick smile as they’d taken their seats.
It was a harsh reminder that her role in his life was not uppermost in his mind the way it had been pre-accident. Back then, if they’d been sitting next to each other—even if he was talking to someone else—they’d have still had physical contact. Whether it was them holding hands, Zach’s arm around her, or just a hand on a leg, there would have been some sort of contact.
Now, there was nothing. And Kelsey was at a complete loss as to how to help Zane regain his memory, or if not that, to help him fall in love with her again.
He’d fallen in love with her once, so one would think he could do it again. But unfortunately, he wasn’t in the same state of mind—or state of heart—as when he’d fallen in love with her the first time. Because of the memories he’d lost, this time around, another woman held his heart and mind.
Kelsey feared that despite her best efforts, there would be no way to overcome that.
“How are you really doing?”
Zane glanced at Kayleigh, then stared back into the flames dancing in the firepit where Lee had lit a fire a few minutes earlier. “Still getting some headaches, especially if I’m in bright light or if I’m overly tired. My leg feels better, though, and I’m hoping Gareth will agree to put me in a walking boot soon.”
“And your memory?”
Zane frowned at the flickering flames. That was the question he hated the most, though he understood why people asked it of him. “Still nothing.”
“How are things with you and Kelsey?”
“They’re okay, I guess.”
“So you’re spending some time getting to know her?”
Zane thought back to the time they’d spent at the store earlier that day. Had he learned anything new about her? Well, he’d discovered how much she knew abouthim. And also, that she apparently loved ice cream. But other than that, he hadn’t really gotten to know her any better.
“We went to the store together this morning,” he said.
Kayleigh gave a slow nod. “But are you spending time together? Like on a date?”
“A date feels…”Wrong.It felt wrong to go on a date with Kelsey when his heart and feelings were still tied up in someone else.
“I think a date is necessary.” Kayleigh said. “I know you feel like Sarah is the woman you should be with, but she’s not anoption. You need to accept that and do what you can to make your marriage to Kelsey a priority.”
“That’s easier said than done,” Zane said, glancing over to where Kelsey sat at the picnic table with Rori and Carisa.
They’d moved out to the back deck after dinner, and were also enjoying the fire Lee had lit since the evening was cool now that the sun had gone down.
“I feel like I have no closure on things with Sarah. I don’t know why we broke up. I don’t understand what happened to derail our relationship.”
“Are you thinking about contacting her and having a conversation?”
“I’ve thought about it.” Alot,if he was honest. But so far, something had held him in check, and he hadn’t attempted to actually reach out to her.
What if she was available and wanted to try again? The temptation would be huge, but he was married to another woman.
“It’s possible that if you don’t regain your memory, you’ll need a conversation with her in order to get closure.”