His parents had dumped a lot of information on him over the week he’d been with them. He’d managed to retain most of what they’d told them, aside from what they’d told him while he’d had a bad headache and couldn’t focus well. It gave him hope that his memory wasn’t impacted in retaining new memories.
What he wasn’t sure about was if he’d think he was remembering things because he was being told so much. It was one of the reasons he’d held back on asking Kelsey for information about their marriage. If he recalled any details, he’d know they were really him remembering and not just knowledge someone else had passed on to him.
Unfortunately, he was pretty sure that sooner rather than later, his curiosity about his marriage would get the better of him and he’d start asking questions.
“Do you have a doctor’s appointment coming up?” Lee asked.
“I’m going to see Gareth on Monday. I have a neurologist appointment next week, following up on my initial visit when we first got here.”
“Probably better if you’re not going to a relative,” Lee said. “I mean, is Gareth even allowed to treat you?”
“I don’t know. But he’s just keeping an eye on me.”
“If you need a ride somewhere, I can take you,” Kelsey said. “Since I don’t have a job yet, my schedule is pretty open.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
He appreciated that she was willing to help him, but he didn’t want her inserting herself into his care. It was hard enough that his parents had done that.
“Are you feeling up to going to church on Sunday?” Lee asked. “Then we often have a barbecue in the afternoon.”
“No more Friday night pizzas?” Zane asked. He hadn’t attended many of those gatherings, but he’d heard plenty about them.
“We found out that with the growing number of kids in the family, it was simpler to do a Sunday afternoon event, which is usually a barbecue.”
“The pizza oven is still in the backyard, so we do pizza sometimes,” Rori said. “But most of the time we barbecue because it’s a bit easier for so many people.”
“I don’t know for sure how I’ll feel on Sunday,” Zane said. “But if I’m feeling okay, I suppose I’m up for church and a barbecue.”
“That’s great,” Rori said, then turned to Kelsey. “Will you join us too?”
She glanced between each of them, then shrugged. “I suppose I could.” Her gaze darted to Zane again. “We never went to church, so it’ll be something new to me.”
“Did I mention why I’d stopped?”
She shook her head. “We never really talked about it.”
Zane turned to Lee. “Did I discuss it with you?”
“You had a period of time when you were really struggling with stuff in your life.” Lee paused, then said, “You started working more and attending church less. I also got busier and found it easier to avoid all things related to our faith.”
“But you’re back to church now.”
Lee nodded as he smiled at Rori. “As part of our vows, we committed to our faith together.”
Zane looked at Kelsey. Was it weird for her to hear about this part of his life that he hadn’t discussed with her?
Was it possible that if he re-committed to his faith, that Kelsey would see that as something she didn’t want in a husband?
Zane still had a hard time believing that he would walk away from a faith that had been part of his life for so long. He thought there were more details that Lee was leaving out. Had it been because of his breakup with Sarah?
“I wasn’t a Christian when Lee and I first met,” Rori said. “But when I started to attend church, I found something that I hadn’t realized I was missing in my life. I believe that sharing a faith with Lee has strengthened our relationship.”
Lee smiled at Rori. “I believe that too.”
Zane glanced at Kelsey to find her watching the pair, sadness on her face. Was she missing what they had?
He gave himself a mental shake. Of course she was. They had basically been newlyweds when the accident had happened. He might not know what he was missing, but she certainly did.