“My turn?” Kelsey asked when he stopped talking. As he nodded, she took a deep breath. “I might have panicked about speaking publicly with no advance notice, but in this case, I have so much to say. I’ll keep it short though, just in case Rori goes into labor.”
There was laughter from their family, but they quickly quieted so Kelsey could speak.
“I never knew what love was until I met you. Even before we dated, I could see that you were a good man, treating everyone with respect. From the people bussing the tables to the head chef. And when you told me you loved me, I was sure I was the luckiest person in the world. I still feel that way. Blessed. Fortunate.
Her fingers tightened around his. “The day you woke up and didn’t remember me or our love was the worst day of my life, because it felt like I’d lost you. But I refused to give up hope, though. Even through the difficult weeks that followed, I heldonto hope because if there was even a chance you might love me again, I couldn’t walk away.
“When you told me you loved me for the first time after losing your memory, I knew all the heartache and struggles during those weeks had been worth it. Being loved by you is the most amazing thing. From that moment on, you’ve never given me a reason to doubt your love, and I’m thankful for that. And not only did you bring me into a physical family—who I’ve come to love—but also into a spiritual one. A true blessing.
“I’m so thankful for you teaching me what real love is and for your never-ending support. And thank you for loving me enough to point me to God. You hold my heart, now and forever. Through the good and bad. Through the ups and downs. Through all of it, I’ll be there at your side, being the wife God would want me to be. I know we’re going to make it. I love you so much.”
As she finished speaking, Zane reached into his pocket and pulled out the simple band that he’d bought to compliment the two other rings she wore. “I don’t remember when I gave you your rings for the first time, though I do recall the second time.”
Kelsey’s smile grew just a bit as he gave her a wink. They’d each returned the other’s rings to their rightful place the night they came together again physically, which had been shortly after that conversation in her bedroom.
“I’m giving you this ring today as a promise that I will always love you, cherish you, and give you precedence over everyone in my life but God.” He slid the ring on her finger to join it with the other two already there. “Always and forever.”
“Always and forever,” she echoed with a beautiful smile.
Moving close, he wrapped his arms around her and bent to kiss her.
More whoops and cheers erupted as they kissed, then Zane picked Kelsey up and spun around with her, his joy in the moment spilling over. Kelsey laughed as she locked her hands behind his neck.
“Before you take flight,” Pastor Kennedy said as he joined them again. “Why don’t you all gather round as we say a prayer for Zane and Kelsey?”
As his family and friends encircled them, Kelsey slipped her arms around his waist. She looked up at him with a smile, her gaze full of love. “Thank you for this. It’s amazing, and such a surprise. I had no idea.”
“That was the plan,” he told her. “You’re happy with everything?”
“I am.” She went up on her toes to kiss him. “I’m so happy. Forever doesn’t feel long enough to be with you.”
Zane agreed.
The accident had been a devastating moment in their lives, but it had led to something wonderful. Though his body still bore the scars of that day, his heart was fully healed because of God and Kelsey’s love for him. God had taken a tragedy and written a beautiful story for them, with many more chapters to come.