“We’re going to get some food and drinks,” Rori said. “Want to come with us?”
“Uh. Sure.” Kelsey glanced at a Zane. “Did you want something?”
“I wouldn’t mind a soda and a hotdog.”
“Got it,” Rori said. “We’ll be back in a few.”
Kelsey followed them out of the row, but Lee and Rori got a little ahead of her and a couple of people filed in between them. She kept her head down, making sure that she didn’t trip on the metal steps.
As she neared the bottom with tentative steps, a hand appeared in front of her. She looked up, expecting it to be Lee, but it was another man. She didn’t recognize him, but he was aiming a friendly smile her way.
Kelsey didn’t want to take his hand, but she wasn’t sure how to refuse him without being rude. As she reached out to take it, Kelsey wished so much that it was Zane’s instead.
As she stepped onto the floor, the man gave her hand a squeeze but didn’t let go right away. Kelsey pulled her hand from his and murmured, “Thank you.”
She realized then that there was a definite benefit to wearing her wedding rings that she hadn’t even considered.
“My name is Eric,” the man said before she could move away from him.
“Hey.” Rori stepped up beside Kelsey and threaded her arm through Kelsey’s. “I thought we’d lost you.”
“How’s it going, Eric?” Lee said as he joined Rori.
“Good. Good. Can’t complain.” Eric’s gaze darted between the three of them. “Is this beautiful lady a friend of yours?”
“A friend, yes,” Lee said. “But also, a sister-in-law. She’s Zane’s wife.”
Eric’s brows drew together as his gaze dropped to Kelsey’s left hand. “My apologies. I didn’t know.”
“No harm done,” Lee told him with a grin. “Zane’s still not out of the boot from his broken leg, so you could probably outrun him.”
Eric chuckled. “Good to know.”
“Well, we’re gonna go get in line for food,” Lee said. “See you around, man.”
Eric nodded and smiled as they turned to leave.
“Well, that was awkward,” Kelsey murmured as she and Rori followed Lee.
His large frame cut through the crowd of people, making it easier for Rori and Kelsey to move. Not far from the gym, they found a line of people at the high school canteen. As they stood in line, Lee checked his phone, confirming orders with the people still in the gym.
Kelsey wondered if Zane had caught the interaction she’d had with Eric. And if so, what he’d thought about it. Probably nothing.
Unfortunately, Zane had yet to seek out any sort of physical interaction with her, let alone offer her any physical affection. It was one of the hardest things for her, since she’d gotten used to being hugged and kissed and physically intimate with Zane. Right then, she’d settle for just holding his hand.
As they stood waiting in line, Lee slipped his arm around Rori’s shoulders, and her friend tipped her head back to smile at her husband. Kelsey turned away, feeling a bit raw, and finding that their interaction only made her feel worse.
It didn’t take long to reach the front of the line, and soon they were replacing orders for the food everyone wanted. The person working behind the counter knew Lee and chatted with him asthey prepared the food, loading everything into a couple of boxes to make it easier for them to carry.
Kelsey tried to pay for hers, but Lee just waved her off. Rather than argue about it, Kelsey let him take charge of the payment.
As they made their way back into the gym, she saw that the cheerleaders were once again on the floor, this time performing a choreographed program set to music. She marveled anew at their ability to fling their bodies in all sorts of different directions all while smiling broadly.
As they passed Eric. He nodded at them, but didn’t say anything more to Kelsey. She felt a little guilty because it was her not wearing a ring that had prompted him to approach her. She was sure of that.
But had he not seen her with Zane prior to walking down the steps? Or maybe he’d seen her and assumed she was just a friend of the family. She and Zane certainly didn’t act like a married couple. And then when he’d noticed that she wasn’t wearing any rings, considered her approachable.
Perhaps it was time to put her rings back on. Although it felt like it was for a really lousy reason. She wasn’t at the point with Zane that she had hoped she’d be before putting them back on. And she had really hoped that Zane would be the one to put them back on her finger again as a sign of his love and commitment to her, just like he’d done the first time.