Page 11 of Zane

Rori gave her a smile that lit up her eyes. “Lee thought maybe it would be good for me to be here. For him, and for you.”

Kelsey had always assumed that Lee was the sibling that Zane was closest to, and it appeared that assumption was correct. She and Rori hadn’t had much chance to get to know each other, but apparently that didn’t matter to the other woman.

Suddenly, she didn’t feel quite so alone.

“Do all Zane’s siblings know what’s happened?”

Rori frowned. “Lee sent messages to everyone, but not all of them have responded. His youngest brother and sister are notorious for not getting back to people in a timely manner.”

“Why’s that?”

“I guess they’re just too busy. Skylar hasn’t been home in ages. I’ve only met her once, actually. Cole is playing professional basketball, but even though it’s the off-season, he hasn’t come home.”

“Are any of the others coming?”

“I don’t think they’ve decided. They’re waiting to hear what Mom and Dad have to say.”

Kelsey found it interesting that Rori referred to the Halverson parents as Mom and Dad. She wasn’t sure she could, but beyond that, she wasn’t sure they would want her to.

“I think perhaps Gareth will come, and maybe Wilder or Jay. I’m sure they’d all like to come, but it’s just more difficult for most of them because of kids and jobs.”

Though Zane hadn’t talked a lot about his siblings, she knew he cared about them. Maybe he assumed she wouldn’t want to know about them.

She’d only met them once, when she’d gone home with Zane the previous Christmas, and they’d seemed friendly enough. But perhaps they thought she was okay as his girlfriend, but they weren’t on board with her as his wife.

What had it been about her that they objected to?

She hadn’t told them anything about her family, so it couldn’t be that. Over the years, she’d worked hard to smooth out any rough edges she had because of how she’d been raised, realizing that they might prevent her from getting what she wanted in her life.

But maybe it hadn’t been enough. Maybe Zane’s family—which was full of successful professionals—had still been ableto sense what she’d tried to rid herself of. Although Rori didn’t seem to hold anything against Kelsey.

Kelsey was glad for the distraction the woman offered her as they waited for Lee to return. She doubted that Mr. and Mrs. Halverson would leave Zane’s side any time soon.

Sure enough, when Lee returned a short time later, he was alone. His expression revealed just how upset he was, and Rori got up and hurried over to him, wrapping her arms around him. The pair stood there for a moment, wrapped up in each other in a way that made Kelsey’s heart ache.

It had been barely a day that she’d been without his hugs and kisses, but already she missed that with Zane. Hopefully, he’d wake up soon, so that even if he wasn’t in a position to hug her, they could share their love through words and kisses.

Ending their embrace, Lee took Rori’s hand and headed over to where Kelsey sat. He sank down heavily into the chair beside her and let out a long sigh.

“That was rough,” he said.

Kelsey couldn’t help but agree. All of it had been very rough. But as long as it meant Zane was still alive, she would take all the roughness in the world.

“Mom and Dad said that Rori and I should take you home to your apartment so that you can get some rest.”

Kelsey pulled back like she’d been slapped. They wanted her to leave Zane’s side? It was bad enough she’d had to come to the waiting room, and now they wanted her to leave the hospital?

“No. I need to be here.”

Lee’s expression firmed. “What you need is to take care of yourself. It’s what Zane would want. For now, he’s sedated, so he’s not aware of whether you’re here or not. Now is the besttime for you to make sure you’re getting adequate rest. Let us take you home so you can sleep in your own bed, then you can come back in the morning.”

What he said made sense, but Kelsey really struggled with feeling like she wouldn’t be a good wife if she left the hospital. And there was a small kernel of fear that if she left, the family might make decisions for Zane’s care that didn’t include her.

“It really is what Zane would want,” Lee said again.

Kelsey stared at her hands. “How do you know?”

“Because it would be what I’d want for Rori. Zane will need you more when he wakes up, so now is the time for you to rest. Take care of yourself so you’re able to take care of him.”