Page 105 of Zane

Kelsey gave a huff of laughter. “You must be desperate.”

“Hey. You did a good job today. Are you sure you haven’t helped me in the kitchen before? You followed directions really well.”

If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was to do what she was told. Her parents had drilled that into her early on. Now, she might question things she was told to do, but if it made sense—or if she didn’t know any better—she usually did as instructed.

And apparently that was a good thing when it came to working in the kitchen with Zane.

Kelsey tried to keep her smile under control, when all she wanted was to beam at him. It was probably the best time they’d had together since the accident.

It wasn’t enough to fill her with total confidence that things were going to work out, but it grew her hope just a little.

When Friday rolled around a couple of days later, they were back in the kitchen. This time, they were making dinner for the four of them, as well as Carisa and Jackson.

Zane had decided that he’d treat for steak. They’d talked about the menu the night before, and he shared how he came up with the side dishes he’d serve once he chose the main part of the meal.

Kelsey wasn’t sure she’d ever use the information, but she wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity to learn aboutsomething that was important to Zane. It was more than she’d ever learned from him before.

Though she knew that this Zane was different, Kelsey hadn’t really realized exactly how different he was. And she didn’t really know how to process the differences. She lovedherZane, but there were things she really liked aboutthisZane, too.

“Can you carry this pan out to the barbecue for me?” Zane asked, gesturing to the large baking pan where he’d put the six steaks.

“Yep.” Kelsey picked it up, then headed for the back door that led out to the deck. Once out there, she set the pan next to the barbecue.

“Thanks,” Zane said as he approached her and leaned over to check the temperature of the barbecue. “I think it’s hot enough.”

It was a fancier barbecue than Kelsey had ever seen, but Zane seemed to know what to do with it. “Everything else is ready, right?”

“It is,” he said with a nod.

“I’ll go finish setting the table, then.”

Back inside, Kelsey carried the glasses to the table in the dining room. The last time they’d eaten there had been with Zane’s parents. Hopefully, this evening would be a little more relaxed.

The Halverson parents had stopped by the previous afternoon to say goodbye, and Kelsey had seen that they were continuing to try to interact with her more. She knew that if she wanted things to not be awkward when around Zane’s family, she had to meet them halfway.

She did want them all to get along, so even though it might end up being for nothing if things didn’t work out with Zane, shewas trying to respond with a friendliness of her own. She had a feeling that this Zane would like her to get along with his family, even thoughherZane hadn’t really seemed to care about that.

Rori and Lee had just arrived home from work when the doorbell chimed. Lee answered it as he and Rori headed for the bedroom.

“Kelsey!” Carisa greeted her with a big smile and a hug. “How are you doing?”

After they exchanged greetings, Jackson headed for the back door to join Zane at the barbecue.

“How are things between you and Zane?” Carisa asked, perching on a bar stool at the counter.

“They’re going… better,” Kelsey said. “He brought me flowers the other day. A beautiful bouquet.”

“Really?” Carisa’s eyes lit up. “That’s amazing.”

Kelsey nodded. “It was a surprise. I didn’t expect anything like that from him.”

“Did he used to bring you flowers?”

“Occasionally, yes.” Kelsey went to the fridge to get a pitcher of water. “But I didn’t expect anything like that right now.”

“It’s definitely a step in the right direction.”

“As long as he did it because he wanted to and not because he feels like he has to. I have no expectations of him,” Kelsey said. “So, I’d rather our interactions be genuine and not because of feelings of obligation.”