Page 52 of Zane

But that was a problem for future Kelsey.

Brushing her hair up into a high ponytail, Kelsey left a sweep of her bangs across her forehead, then she chose a pair of earrings that Zane had given her, along with its matching necklace. She slid her feet into a pair of strappy flat sandals, then left the room.

As she reached the main floor, Kelsey heard muffled conversation and smelled the aroma of food cooking. Wanting to help with dinner like she’d said, Kelsey quickly made her way into the kitchen.

Rori and Lee were there, talking softly at the counter. They turned in her direction, and when Rori saw her, her face lit up.

“What can I help with?” Kelsey asked as she approached them.

“You and I can set the table,” Rori said. “Lee is in charge of the chicken.”

“What kind of chicken are we having?” Kelsey asked, taking a stack of plates from Rori.

“Marinated and then cooked on the barbecue,” Lee said. “Simple but tasty. I also did some baked. Chicken a couple of different ways, I guess.”

Rori loaded the silverware onto a tray. “The others are bringing the rest of the meal.”

Kelsey trailed Rori into the dining room. “Who all is coming?”

“This has turned out to be an evening for the childless couples.”

That still meant that there would be four Halverson siblings that evening—including Zane and Lee.

But there were ten plates to set out. “Who are the two other plates for?”

Rori glanced at her. “Oh, that’s for Jackson and Carisa.”

“Have I met them?” Kelsey asked.

“I don’t think so, though they might have been around at Christmas when you were here.”

“I don’t remember.”

“Well, Jackson is a good friend of Gareth’s. Carisa met him when she became friends with me and Lee. We went to her house to help her dog deliver her puppies.”

Kelsey wondered if Carisa’s presence would distract Rori since they were already friends. Well, it was too late to change her mind about attending.

Once the plates were set, Kelsey got the glasses. They had just finished setting the table when people started to arrive.

The first to show up were Wilder and Lexi. Kelsey had gotten to know Wilder a little while they’d been in Tampa, but she still didn’t feel entirely comfortable with him. Plus, his wife, Lexi,was a bit aloof. Rori had assured her that Lexi was that way with most people and to not take it personally.

“Hi, Kelsey,” Wilder said when he spotted her. “How’s it going?”

“Good. How about with you?”

“It’s going real good,” he said, then looked around. “Where’s Zane?”

“I assume he’s up in his room if he’s not down here.”

Wilder nodded. “I’m going to go check on him.”

Wilder didn’t wait for her response before he headed for the stairs, pausing only briefly to say something to Lexi. He also called out a greeting to someone in the foyer before disappearing in the direction of the stairs.

A couple Kelsey didn’t know appeared in the entryway to the kitchen. She assumed they were Jackson and Carisa, an assumption proven true when Lee called out a greeting to them by name.

Rori hurried over to give each of them a hug. Then she looped her arm through Carisa’s and guided her over to where Kelsey stood.

“Cari, I want you to meet Kelsey, Zane’s wife,” Rori said. “Kelsey, this is Carisa.”