He’d known what Sarah had preferred for perfume, and her hair had always smelled lightly floral. If he’d known that about a girlfriend, he had hopefully known it about a wife.
After smelling one particular bottle, she glanced in his direction, then set it in the cart.
It wasn’t long before she’d gotten the other items she needed and set them in the cart. “Now, off to get a few groceries.”
As they neared the aisles of food, she said, “You want to pick up some meat to make a meal?”
Zane scoffed, then realized that there was a bit of humor in Kelsey’s expression. “You know that I’m not a fan of the meat at stores like this.”
“Yes. I do. You’ve made that very clear.” She pushed the cart into the fruit and vegetable section. “Is there a store here in Serenity that has the type of meat you like to cook with?”
“I’m not sure about now, but there was a butcher here at one point. It took some convincing to get my folks to buy meat there, since it was more expensive, and they had a lot of mouths to feed.”
“Pretty sure you’ve been eating meals made with food from here,” Kelsey said as she stopped next to a bunch of bananas. “I don’t think Rori and Lee shop anywhere too bougie.”
“No. You’re right. They don’t.”
Kelsey put a few bananas into a bag and then set them in the cart. “You want some grapefruit? I thought I’d pick up some bagels and cream cheese as well.”
The casual question and comment again revealed that she knew his preferences.
“Though I know you’d probably rather not have the bagels from here.”
“I would like some grapefruit,” he said. “And I’ll put up with the bagels from here for now.”
After Kelsey had picked up some bagels and cream cheese, she went to the freezer aisle and stood in front of the ice cream.
“You like ice cream?” he asked.
“I do,” she said without looking at him.
“I like it too,” he told her, then realized that revelation was unnecessary when she said, “I know.”
He found it interesting that she didn’t ask him if he wanted some. She ended up choosing a container of fancy flavored ice cream, then after a brief hesitation she led him to another aisle where she picked up mini marshmallows, some nuts, and some chocolate syrup. And then there was a bag of cookies.
He knew better than to comment on a woman’s junk food choices, so he kept his mouth shut about Kelsey’s questionable food choices. Sarah got mad at him when he made any observations about her food cravings. Or rather, sheusedto get mad at him when he did that.
A pulse of pain went through him, and he turned away from Kelsey.
“Zane Halverson?” He glanced over to see Will’s mom approaching them with a smile. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”
She leaned in to give him a quick hug, slipping her arms around him without too much hassle despite the crutches. Perhaps her experience with Will when he’d been injured helped her with that.
“I’m doing better,” he said. “Every day is a step forward.”
“Yep. That’s how it was with Will, too. It’s such a blessing to see you up and about.” She turned to Kelsey, giving her a warm smile. “And you must be Kelsey.”
“I am.”
“I’m Alice Kennedy,” Alice said as she held out her hand to Kelsey. “Will’s mom.”
Kelsey smiled as she shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“We’ve been praying so much for both of you,” Alice said, continuing to hold Kelsey’s hand, now clasped between both of hers.
“Thank you. I very much appreciate that.”
“We’re grateful that God protected Zane, and despite the circumstances, we’re happy to see you both here in Serenity.”