Page 132 of Zane

Kelsey sighed. “Yeah. But hopefully there will be some activities that we can enjoy together. I’m just glad the ladies were willing to have our Bible study on Tuesday evenings.”

Sundays were often exhausting for them as they got up early to go to church and then still had to go to work afterwards. They’d missed out on a few of the casual family get-togethers, but it was the price they had to pay for their careers.

That was why they always tried to attend any gathering that worked with their schedules.

“Whoa,” Kelsey said as they drove up the winding driveway to the house, which was located about ten minutes outside of Serenity. “Are we late?”


“Well, it looks like everyone else is here already.”

They were, but he let the comment slide as they got out of the car. Hand in hand, they walked up the porch and through the front door without knocking.

“Where is everyone?” Kelsey asked. “It’s so quiet.”

“Probably outside, since it’s such a nice day.” He was glad for that, because if it had been raining, his plans would have been a little difficult to pull off.

The kitchen held signs of the meal that was to come, but there was still no one around.

“This is weird.” Kelsey glanced around. “Usually this place is bustling with activity when we all get together.”

“We’re not eating for a couple of hours, so there’s no rush to get food ready just yet.”

Butterflies came to life in his stomach as he approached the door that led out onto the large porch and the expansive multi-level deck. He hoped she liked what he had planned and wasn’t mad that she hadn’t had a say in the planning.

As they stepped out onto the porch, Kelsey came to a stop before taking a couple more steps. Zane stayed where he was, letting her hand slip from his.

“What is this?” she asked, staring out over their family and close friends who were all gathered there, smiling and cheering. Past the group, on the lowest deck, was a large arch covered in autumnal flowers and greenery.

While she was distracted, Zane lowered himself to one knee, grateful that his leg had regained its full strength after the accident. Then he waited for Kelsey to turn back toward him.

When she did, her eyes went wide as she spotted him. “Zane, what’s going on?”

“I know we’ve done all of this already, but I don’t remember it, and I want this memory. I really want to do it again, this time before God and our family.” He held out his hand to her. “Kelsey, would you renew our vows with me today?”

Tears flooded her eyes as she placed her hand in his. “Yes. Always yes.”

The cheers and claps of his family and friends were raucous as Zane got to his feet and pulled Kelsey into his arms to kiss her.

“Save some of the kissing for later,” Rori exclaimed as she came toward them, her belly leading the way. “We have a ceremony to get ready for!”

“Get ready?” Kelsey asked.

“Yep.” Rori took her hand and pulled her toward the door. “We’ve got someone to help with hair and makeup, and we have dresses to change into.”

When Kelsey glanced back over her shoulder at Zane as Rori led her away, he nodded, then blew her a kiss. He had his own preparations to make.

Since it wouldn’t take as long for him to get ready, Zane stayed out in the backyard to make sure that everything was as he’d planned. He’d had to rely on his family to do the setup since he hadn’t wanted to alert Kelsey that anything was going on, which is what his leaving the house without her would have done.

“Everything look like you wanted?” Kayleigh asked as she and Hudson approached him.

Zane glanced around, taking in the white folding chairs and the flowers and ribbons that they’d worked hard to put together. He’d given his sister the idea of what he wanted, along with a budget, and set her loose. She had not disappointed. In fact, he thought she may have exceeded what he’d had in mind.

“It looks wonderful. Perfect.”

“We also have a photographer here. She’s upstairs taking pictures of Kelsey, Rori, and Carisa as they get ready.”

He’d thought of doing something super simple, but then he realized that part of why they’d gone so simple previously was because there hadn’t been anyone they really wanted present.That wasn’t the case any longer, so he wanted to share this moment with those closest to them.