It seemed like a lot to pray for. A lot to expect God to do for him.
“You mustn’t be discouraged,” Pastor Kennedy said. “You’re not alone. We will be praying for you and Kelsey. Just remember that Satan will not want your desire to honor God in this way to succeed, but don’t give up.”
“What if she decides she doesn’t want to stay in the marriage?” She hadn’t said anything like that yet, but he knew it could still happen.
“I realize that’s a possibility, so we’ll just have to pray that God will grant her patience and a willingness to give you both time to adjust to your new normal.”
Zane had always had an unwavering faith in God and that He could answer prayer. His struggle at that moment, however, was to believe that God would answer these prayers. They seemed so lofty and unattainable.
“Don’t give up hope,” Pastor Kennedy said. “Commit this to the Lord and trust Him to guide you and Kelsey.”
Zane nodded. “Also, I could use some advice or insight with regards to my parents.”
Pastor Kennedy’s brows rose at that. “What’s happened?”
“They’re not happy about my marriage to Kelsey.”
“Ah.” Pastor Kennedy nodded. “I don’t think it’s that they’re unhappy. More that they’re concerned.”
“I feel like there’s a conflict within me because I never imagined they’d be upset about who I married. And from what I’ve seen, Kelsey seems to be a perfectly nice woman. Butsometimes, it doesn’t feel like I have their support in trying to make this marriage with her work.”
“I think you do,” Pastor Kennedy said. “It’s natural for parents to be concerned, especially when they’re not sure what’s going on. Your marriage to Kelsey certainly took them off-guard.”
“But I brought her home to meet them,” Zane said. “Didn’t that show them I was serious about her?”
“I think they expected more notice before the wedding, and that they’d be included. Everything happened so quickly that it’s probably left them feeling a little unsettled. Give them time. I’m confident they’re praying for you and Kelsey.”
They talked for a bit longer, then Pastor Kennedy challenged him to find ways to share God’s love with Kelsey until he could also confidently show her his own.
Finally, they spent some time in prayer, both of them praying this time, and when their time together was over, Zane felt lighter and like he had a bit more clarity on how he should move forward.
Though it still felt a bit like he was walking in a dense fog, now he didn’t feel so alone.
“You know you’re always welcome to come back for another chat,” Pastor Kennedy said as he exited the office.
“Thank you. I appreciate that.”
Mrs. Kennedy got up and came to give him another hug. “You take care of yourself.”
“I’ll try.” He gave the couple a smile as Pastor Kennedy joined his wife, slipping an arm around her. “You take care of yourselves, too.”
After saying goodbye, Zane made his way out of the church and around to where he’d parked Kelsey’s car. Once behind the wheel, he let out a long sigh.
His plan had been to go back home, but Pastor Kennedy’s encouragement to find ways to show Kelsey love, even if he didn’t feel it yet, lingered in his mind.
Sarah had been his most serious girlfriend, so his romantic experience with women was rather limited. But didn’t all women like flowers and chocolate?
He tried to think about what else might appeal to Kelsey, but he didn’t know her well enough to have any ideas that would be specific to her. Well, he knew what flavor of ice cream she liked, and he’d seen her grab a chocolate bar when they’d gone to the store together, so he could buy her that.
It was nearly noon, so he still had time before Kelsey would be up. He planned to be home in time to make her coffee and some toast.
But first, he had a couple of stops to make.
Kelsey woke when her alarm went off, but she was slow to get out of bed. Her heart felt heavy, though, and she wasn’t sure she was ready to face the world. Or more specifically, Zane.
It had been odd to see him up when she’d gotten home from work. He’d looked like he’d just rolled out of bed, and it had stirred up a lot of memories for her.