What she needed most, though, was sleep. She was almost twenty-four hours without sleep, and she was struggling to stay awake.
Finally, Kelsey laid her head down on her arm next to Zane’s, keeping their hands clasped. Though the room was far from quiet, her body demanded the rest it needed.
She didn’t know how long she’d been sleeping when a touch on her back woke her. Blinking, she sat up, feeling like she’d just closed her eyes.
“Hello, Kelsey. How are you doing?”
Kelsey stared at the couple standing next to her, then got to her feet, keeping hold of Zane’s hand. “I’m fine.”
“That was rather a dumb question, wasn’t it?” Zane’s mom gave her a small smile. “I’m sure you’re not doing too great, and you’re probably exhausted.”
“I’m okay.” Kelsey didn’t want them to have any reason to doubt her ability to be there for Zane when he needed her. “Did you have a chance to speak with anyone about Zane?”
“We did,” Dan Halverson said. “The doctor happened to be at the nurse’s station when we arrived. It seems they’re doing all they can for him right now.”
“Though I understand why he’s sedated, I wish they hadn’t had to do it,” Cathy said, her gaze going to her son. “It’s hard to see him like this.”
“I can go to the waiting room so that you can spend some time with Zane,” Kelsey said.
“Thank you,” Dan said. “We’d appreciate that. Could you tell Lee to come in?”
Kelsey nodded, then turned to lean over Zane, pressing a gentle kiss to his swollen cheek. Keeping her voice low and soft, she whispered, “I love you. I’ll be back.”
Blinking back tears, Kelsey left Zane with his parents. She didn’t want to leave him, but they needed to be with their son. She knew that.
In the waiting room, she found not only Lee, but his wife, Rori.
“How are you doing, Kelsey?” Rori asked as she got up and approached her.
Kelsey was surprised when the woman wrapped her arms around her and gave her a tight squeeze. She froze for a moment, then returned the hug. Rori was the first person, aside from Zane, who had hugged her in ages.
Even when the hug ended, Rori kept hold of her hands, concern in her gaze.
“I think I’m doing as well as can be expected,” Kelsey said. “Tired. Worried.”
For some reason, Rori’s obvious concern for her made it easier for Kelsey to be more honest. Lee approached them then, his expression also concerned.
“Your mom and dad said you should go be with them,” Kelsey said.
Lee nodded as he glanced at his wife. “Okay. I won’t stay there too long so you can go back to him.”
It seemed that perhaps Lee and Rori were more willing to accept her relationship to Zane, even if his parents were reluctant to.
Once Lee had left, Kelsey sank down on a chair, tucking her hands under her thighs as she stared at the floor. She was so tired, but she couldn’t leave. All she wanted was to be with Zane.
She felt movement beside her, then a hand slipped through her arm. “Can I pray for you?”
Kelsey glanced at Rori, then nodded. Surely it couldn’t hurt.
“Heavenly Father, we are so thankful that You spared Zane’s life in the accident he had. We ask that You would place Your healing hand upon Zane’s body so that he’ll recover quickly from his injuries. I pray for Kelsey as she deals with someone she loves being injured in this way. Please give her strength and wisdom in the days to come. In all of this, we pray that You are glorified. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Kelsey couldn’t recall anyone ever praying for her. For all that Zane’s family seemed to take their faith seriously, Zane never had in the time she’d known him. Would this brush with death change that?
“Thank you,” Kelsey said as Rori straightened.
“You’re welcome.”
“I didn’t know that you were coming too,” Kelsey said. “But I’m glad you did.”